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联合国家庭农业十年 (2019-2028 年) 全球行动计划

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    Support for ROPPA in Implementing The United Nations Decade of Family Farming (2019–2028) - TCP/SFW/3803 2024
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    In West Africa, family farming employs around 62 percent of the workforce, supplying the bulk of agricultural (both unprocessed and processed) products to feed the population and satisfy the agrifood industry’s requirements. However, despite its clear importance, the vital role of family farming in combating poverty and food insecurity is not sufficiently considered in national investment programmes. Hence, in December 2017, the United Nations declared a United Nations Decade of Family Farming (UNDFF 2019–2028) to focus on family farming as a central global priority for ten years. A Global Action Plan was devised to implement the UNDFF. This plan aims to develop practical, coordinated actions to tackle the challenges faced by family farmers, enhance their capacity to invest, and make full use of their contributions. It includes seven pillars designed to provide comprehensive guidance for all stakeholders, including the international community, regional entities, civil society organizations, the private sector, and farmers’ organizations, such as the Network of Peasant and Producers' Organizations of West Africa (ROPPA).
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    World Agriculture Watch - Supporting the UN decade of family farming (2019-2028) 2019
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    The World Agriculture Watch (WAW) initiative aims to document the situation of global agriculture in all its diversity, from family farms to industrial enterprises. Identifying and understanding the myriad farm types, including family farms, is key to adapting projects, policies and investments to specific agricultural characteristics and constraints. In this way, investments can be targeted at strengthening the weakest aspects of different types of farm. WAW then uses farm typology to provide tailored means of monitoring the effects of these investments on family farms and tracking their relative performance. The information produced by these tools is intended to inform stakeholders and fuel the debate on policy choices for the agricultural sector, with a particular focus on those organizations that represent family farms, which are crucial to food and nutrition security. Moreover, WAW facilitates the global accumulation of knowledge on agricultural transformation at the international level. WAW offers decision-making support for intervention at the local, regional and national levels. It is currently working with a number of countries to develop national farm observatories that will enable them to participate in the global collection of data on and analysis of farm typologies and types of agriculture.
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