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Capacity Building and Technical Assistance; New Approaches and Building Alliances

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    New approaches to consider in capacity building and technical assistance building alliances
    Country Paper proposed by Eritrea
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    Eritrea is a young country having gained independence from colonial rule in 1991 after 30 years of armed struggle. Fill international recognition of independence was achieved in 1993. However, in 1998 Eritrea suffered a further 2 years of bitter war with its neighbour, Ethiopia. These wars and repeated droughts have placed an enormous strain on the national economy. Eritrea has a GDP per capita of US$200 (1999) and is ranked 159th/174 of the world's poorest countries (UNDP Human Development Repo rt (2000). During the most resent war with Ethiopia almost all abled-bodies men were conscripted into the armed forces and much of the country's limited financial resources were directed towards the pursuit of the conflict. In spite of these difficulties in the recent past, Eritrea has once again resumed implementation of the strategy for reconstruction of infrastructures and other assets and has been obliged to undertake a programme for the resettlement of displaced persons and returning r efugees. Much effort has been made in capacity building in the field of disease prevention and eradication, up grading the inspection and laboratory techniques capacity building. These are in fact, helpful in producing nutritious, quality and safe food, which is main goal of this forum.
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    New approaches to consider in capacity building and technical assistance - building alliances
    Conference Room Document proposed by the USA
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    This document provides a brief summary of new approaches being implemented by US regulatory agencies in capacity building and technical assistance around the world, with emphasis in the Americas. Aims of the work are: protecting public health, enhancing regional/national regulatory systems, and developing structures and processes. The three projects described (the Caribbean Food Safety Initiative, the University of Puerto Rico Project and the Food Laboratories Network) all seek to c apitalize on the unique strengths of participating organizations. The difficulties of participant and donor coordination, financial and technical needs, and sustainability of action are key lessons that have been learned from these projects.
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