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Report to the government of Burma on the development of fish culture

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    Burma: fish culture development. Report to the government 1971
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    The development of fish culture in Burma from May 1967 to December 1970 is reviewed in this report. Highest priority is given to the solution of the problem of acute shortage of fish seed from cultivated species. Induced breeding of indigenous carps during 1967 by pituitary hormone injections and subsequently the commercial production of fish seed is the first successful achievement. The report shows that it is possible to meet the country's entire present requirements of seed and avoid collecti on of seed from natural sources. Other important achievements of this project are demonstrations of the technique of hybridization in fishes for producing improved varieties, improvement in the technique of nursery practices for higher survival of fry, better management of farm ponds, the introduction and acclimatization of the quick-growing phytophagous Chinese carps and demonstrations of increased production of fish by intensive fish culture.
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    Report to the Government of Jordan on Inland Fisheries Development and Fish Culture 1973
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    The major inland fisheries resources of Jordan, capable of immediate development and exploitation, have been identified. Improved methods of carp spawning, hatching of eggs and rearing spawn have been demonstrated, resulting in a 100 percent increase in seed production as compared to 1971 production. A suitable site for constructing a large experimental-cum-commercial fish farm at Azraq has been located, pilot experimental ponds constructed in the area and fish cultural operations initiated therein. During an initial observation period of six weeks, growth of fish was found quite satisfactory in these ponds. Preliminary layout for reclamation of part of the Azraq swamp into a 50-ha fish farm and for constructing a series of cement tanks for intensive cultivation of carp in running water, integrated with the water supply channel to the farm, have been prepared. Formulation for preparing a cheap artificial fish feed out of locally available raw material has been suggested. The need for incorporating fishery development requirements in the project costs for construction of irrigation impoundments has been stressed. Possibilities of harnessing irrigation distributaries for a specialized type of running water fish culture, by constructing a series of small cement tanks in the course of the distributaries, without loss or wastage of water, have been highlighted. In the absence of trained technical personnel in Jordan to implement inland fisheries development programme s, the need for intensive training of counterpart personnel and enlisting United Nations or other external support for reclaiming swamp into a fish farm at Azraq, has been stressed.
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