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Burma: fish culture development. Report to the government

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    Aquaculture development and coordination programme. Fish feed technology. Lectures presented at the FAO/UNDP Training Course in Fish Feed Technology, Seattle, Washington, 9 October - 15 December 1978 1980
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    The need for developing suitable feeds based on locally available inexpensive ingredients has been widely recognized. Since lack of trained personnel is the main constraint in the development of fish feed technology in developing countries, the FAO/UNDP Aquaculture Development and Coordination Programme (ADCP) organized a special training course in fish feed technology at the College of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle, with a view to forming a small corps of fish feed specialists wh o could then be the focal points for future feed development programmes in their respective countries. The first report of the training course was presented in the report ADCP /REP/79/8. This present volume represents the edited texts of lectures presented by different specialists. Some additional material has been included for more complete coverage of the subject. Together, these texts may be considered to constitute a manual on fish feed technology, even though they were not prepared for that purpose. Twenty-six papers are included, under the general headings: (1) Digestion, physiology and anatomy; (2) nutritional bioenergetics; (3) nutritional biochemistry; (4) feedstuffs; (5) feed formulation; (6) feed manufacturing technology; (7) practical diets; and (8) quality control. Appendices include conversion tables, electrical data, and details on pelletability of selective feedstuffs, pellet die specifications, and equipment requirements for an 8 ton an hour feed mill.
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    Report to the government of Burma on the development of fish culture 1967
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    El presente informe se compone de tres partes: En la primera parte se proporcionan algunos antecedentes que explican el nuevo marco de funcionamiento de la economía cubana como consecuencia de los cambios políticos, económicos y sociales surgidos con el nuevo Gobierno revolucionario desde 1959. Este tipo de información no se obtiene fácilmente, debido a que los acontecimientos son relativamente recientes y todavía no existen publicaciones regulares -de carácter estadístico y económico- que d escriban el resultado de la actividad económica en Cuba. A pesar de esas dificultades el experto consideró importante hacer un esfuerzo para tener una visión generalizada de la evolución de la economía cubana en estos últimos cinco años y la perspectiva que se perfila en el futuro, ya que sin estos antecedentes, es difícil comprender el desarrollo y la planificación del sector pesquero o de cualquier otro sector de la economía cubana en la actualidad. En la segunda parte se hace un análisis de la pesca en Cuba durante el período 1960–1965 destacando los aspectos institucionales como la estructura del Instituto Nacional de la Pesca, la industrialización y distribución de productos pesqueros, el comercio exterior de la pesca, el consumo de pescados y mariscos, la investigación científica y la asistencia técnica. Todo este análisis sirve de diagnóstico para los efectos de la elaboración del plan. En la tercera parte se hace un análisis de los antecedentes sobre el plan pesquero 1966 –1970, que se utilizaron en los trabajos de la Comisión. En primer lugar se dan a conocer los aspectos metodológicos para elaborar el plan, para seguir con las orientaciones y alternativas del plan pesquero 1966–1970.
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    Report to the government of Uganda on fish culture development 1968
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    This report summarizes the technical assistance on fish culture by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) for 1967, which was a continuation of similar assistance by the Organization started in 1959. The main objective of the project was to advise and assist the Government of Uganda in increasing and improving the production of cultivable food fish. To accomplish this, experiments on feeding, fish-pond fertilization and fish hybridization were conducted. Biological stu dies of economic species and economic appraisal of fish-pond operations were also carried out. Recommendations are made on the type of supplementary feed to use and on the programme of future fish culture in the country.

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