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CL 166/INF/4 Web Annex 1: Institutionalization of Cost and Affordability of Healthy Diet Indicators in FAO

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    The concept outlines the context, objectives, target audience, agenda and speakers for two linked live online events on the costs and affordability of healthy diets. The first is a World Bank Online Event on Thursday, July 14th followed by an IFPRI Policy Seminar on July 15th, both co-organized by FAO and Tufts University. These two events follow on from the July 12th official launch The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022 report which announced the latest updates to the UN system’s standardized global data on the Cost and Affordability of a Healthy Diet (CoAHD). Those data provide official FAO statistics for the daily cost of a healthy diet as well as the number and percentage of people who cannot afford a healthy diet in each country. The two online events are designed to equip decision-makers and analysts with the newly release findings can be used to guide agricultural and agrifood systems towards improved nutrition. The World Bank will also disseminate those three headline estimates plus more granular data and indicators on diet costs and affordability in a new Food Prices for Nutrition Data Hub.
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    Cost and affordability of healthy diets across and within countries
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    Price and affordability are key barriers to accessing sufficient, safe, nutritious food to meet dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. In this study, the least-cost items available in local markets are identified to estimate the cost of three diet types: energy sufficient, nutrient adequate, and healthy (meeting food-based dietary guidelines). For price and availability the World Bank’s International Comparison Program (ICP) dataset is used, which provides food prices in local currency units (LCU) for 680 foods and non-alcoholic beverages in 170 countries in 2017. In addition, country case studies are developed with national food price datasets in United Republic of Tanzania, Malawi, Ethiopia, Ghana and Myanmar. The findings reveal that healthy diets by any definition are far more expensive than the entire international poverty line of USD 1.90, let alone the upper bound portion of the poverty line that can credibly be reserved for food of USD 1.20. The cost of healthy diets exceeds food expenditures in most countries in the Global South. The findings suggest that nutrition education and behaviour change alone will not substantially improve dietary consumption where nutrient adequate and healthy diets, even in their cheapest form, are unaffordable for the majority of the poor. To make healthy diets cheaper, agricultural policies, research, and development need to shift toward a diversity of nutritious foods.

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