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Toolkit for the sustainable reintegration of return migrants in rural areas

Guidance material

FAO. 2023. Toolkit for the sustainable reintegration of return migrants in rural areas. Rome, FAO.

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Boîte à outils pour la réintégration des migrants de retour en zone rurale
    Matériel d’orientation
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    En 2020, la pandémie de covid-19 a entraîné une augmentation des retours de migrants dans leur pays d’origine. Une part importante de ces migrants sont revenus dans des régions rurales. Dans ce contexte, accompagner leur réintégration est devenu une priorité majeure des parties prenantes, tant sur le plan de l’aide immédiate que du soutien à moyen et long termes. Véritable guide pratique, la présente boîte à outils a pour but d’aider les parties prenantes et les acteurs locaux des systèmes agroalimentaires à intégrer les personnes de retour en milieu rural dans des programmes et d’autres initiatives visant à développer le secteur agroalimentaire. Elle est également destinée aux acteurs de la migration qui travaillent à appuyer la réintégration rurale.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Global lessons learned on sustainable reintegration in rural areas 2023
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    In the context of a global pandemic, many migrants returned to their rural areas of origin, both from cities within their own countries and from abroad. While return migration can be an opportunity, this presented considerable challenges for many migrants and government stakeholders without adequate knowledge, policy and mechanisms in place to support sustainable rural reintegration. In the past, greater attention has been paid to reintegration in cities. This report takes a step in addressing that gap, assessing lessons learned and best practices in supporting sustainable reintegration specifically in rural areas. The aim of the global lessons learned report is to provide a roadmap for collective action in support of returnees in rural areas and rural communities across a range of development settings. At a time when the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact mobility, and with an eye to future disruptions that the world may face, there is an opportunity to support rural environments as spaces of protection and inclusion for returnees.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Creating alternatives to migration and reintegrating migrants in rural areas 2023
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    While many people, especially youth, leave rural areas in search of better opportunities, returning migrants struggle to reintegrate in rural communities. Creating alternatives to migration and reintegrating migrants in rural areas is one of the priorities of FAO’s work on rural migration. It aims to help people find decent jobs in rural areas or kick start their agro-enterprises and make migration a choice not a necessity. The leaflet is part of a brochure that presents FAO’s work on rural migration and each priority for action. The leaflet includes a description of what FAO does, with whom and why, presenting tangible results and stories from the field.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Boîte à outils pour la réintégration des migrants de retour en zone rurale
    Matériel d’orientation
    Also available in:

    En 2020, la pandémie de covid-19 a entraîné une augmentation des retours de migrants dans leur pays d’origine. Une part importante de ces migrants sont revenus dans des régions rurales. Dans ce contexte, accompagner leur réintégration est devenu une priorité majeure des parties prenantes, tant sur le plan de l’aide immédiate que du soutien à moyen et long termes. Véritable guide pratique, la présente boîte à outils a pour but d’aider les parties prenantes et les acteurs locaux des systèmes agroalimentaires à intégrer les personnes de retour en milieu rural dans des programmes et d’autres initiatives visant à développer le secteur agroalimentaire. Elle est également destinée aux acteurs de la migration qui travaillent à appuyer la réintégration rurale.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Global lessons learned on sustainable reintegration in rural areas 2023
    Also available in:

    In the context of a global pandemic, many migrants returned to their rural areas of origin, both from cities within their own countries and from abroad. While return migration can be an opportunity, this presented considerable challenges for many migrants and government stakeholders without adequate knowledge, policy and mechanisms in place to support sustainable rural reintegration. In the past, greater attention has been paid to reintegration in cities. This report takes a step in addressing that gap, assessing lessons learned and best practices in supporting sustainable reintegration specifically in rural areas. The aim of the global lessons learned report is to provide a roadmap for collective action in support of returnees in rural areas and rural communities across a range of development settings. At a time when the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact mobility, and with an eye to future disruptions that the world may face, there is an opportunity to support rural environments as spaces of protection and inclusion for returnees.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Creating alternatives to migration and reintegrating migrants in rural areas 2023
    Also available in:
    No results found.

    While many people, especially youth, leave rural areas in search of better opportunities, returning migrants struggle to reintegrate in rural communities. Creating alternatives to migration and reintegrating migrants in rural areas is one of the priorities of FAO’s work on rural migration. It aims to help people find decent jobs in rural areas or kick start their agro-enterprises and make migration a choice not a necessity. The leaflet is part of a brochure that presents FAO’s work on rural migration and each priority for action. The leaflet includes a description of what FAO does, with whom and why, presenting tangible results and stories from the field.

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