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Core food and agricultural indicators for measuring the private sector’s contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals

FSN Forum report of activity No. 171

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Guidance on core indicators for agrifood systems – Measuring the private sector’s contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals 2021
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    The publication "Guidance on core indicators for agrifood systems – Measuring the private sector’s contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals" aims to provide practical information on how food and agriculture companies’ contribution to the SDGs can be measured in a consistent manner and in alignment with countries’ needs relating to monitoring the attainment of Agenda 2030. The indicators are further intended to serve as a tool to assist governments in:
    • improving private sector’s accountability mechanisms and assessing their contribution to SDG implementation, in particular on key transformative actions needed to achieve the SDGs;
    • setting standards and policies for corporate sustainability reporting, establishing national private sector reporting mechanisms, and enabling the reporting on SDG Indicator 12.6.1 (Number of companies publishing sustainability reports); and
    • potentially reusing the data reported by private entities to improve SDG monitoring at the national level.
    Available in a user-friendly format, the guidance begins with a quick guide that provides a brief overview of the indicators, the audience, scope, and data collection. It is followed by methodological guidance, which provides in-depth detail on the methodology behind each indicator and useful resources for capturing, measuring, and reporting on data for each indicator. Finally, in the annexes, there is a mapping of how the indicators align with various standards and guidance.
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    Book (series)
    Evaluation of FAO’s contribution to Sustainable Development Goal 2 - “End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture”
    Phase 2
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    FAO is well positioned at the global level to offer relevant support to countries in achieving their SDG 2 targets and is committed to support the SDGs, a Global Agenda that it helped design. The new FAO’s Strategic Framework will provide an opportunity to promote and communicate FAO’s role in a coherent and joined-up manner, aligned with the 2030 Agenda. FAO has engaged with the current UN reform – strongly connected to the SDGs – with a very collaborative attitude. At the country level, which was the focus of the second phase of this evaluation, FAO’s position was found to be generally weaker due to its limited programmatic footprint. Nevertheless, a number of initiatives were “acting at scale” and producing results. Entry points to act at scale include support to develop laws and policies, to instigate agriculture trade and investment, to induce climate finance or South-South cooperation, and to education, both formal and informal. The depth and breadth of partnerships are generally increasing, but more partnerships with the private sector and mobilization of domestic resources would needed to make a serious impact on food systems.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Transforming food and agriculture to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
    Good practices from FAO-GEF projects around the world
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    This knowledge product is a compilation of good practices identified from the ex-post analysis of eleven FAO–GEF partnership projects. The projects were implemented across the world from 2011 to 2019 and are representative of the first generation of FAO-GEF projects. The broad objective of the FAO-GEF partnership is to help countries transform their food systems to improve land conditions, conserve biodiversity, and build their resilience to impacts of climate change while providing a healthy and nutritious diet for everyone. This partnership addresses a diverse range of topics, such as land, watershed and ecosystem management, biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation and adaptation, disposal of agrochemicals, and marine and fisheries resource management. These good practices are in line with several actions detailed in "Transforming food and agriculture to achieve the SDGs: 20 interconnected actions to guide decision-makers (20 Actions Guidelines)". Like the 20 Actions Guidelines, these good practices aim to support decision-makers and stakeholders in their efforts to mainstream sustainable food and agriculture to drive progress towards the SDGs. Their application across these projects also demonstrates that the guidelines can be successfully translated on the ground.

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