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Modified Taungya plantation as a rural development initiative to restore landscapes and enhance livelihoods in Ghana

XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022

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    Restoration of productive landscapes through management of trees on-farms in the off reserve landscape through tree registration and climate smart farming systems in Ghana
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Ghana has a total land area of 238,540 km2 and approximately 15% of the country has been set aside as forest reserves, wildlife parks, and the remaining 85% is owned by stools, skins and individuals across the country. All naturally occurring trees in off reserve landscapes are vested in the state but they occur in individual and community lands and farms. Most of Ghana’s agricultural system embraces the retention of trees during the course of cultivation with trees integrated in a mixture with crops. In the past, farmers destroyed these trees because their cocoa farms were destroyed by felling of trees for timber and they could not get compensation or any support from the state. To achieve Ghana’s Forest policy goals and objectives of the forest Plantation strategy, Ghana is piloting a programme to provide legal support for farmers, optimize the productivity and sustainability of smallholder farming systems by developing appropriate technologies that involve trees (incorporation of trees-on farm within 3.75 million hectares) and enhances connectivity and biodiversity between the agricultural and forest landscapes. A pilot programme to register all planted and naturally occurring trees at the district level has begun with recent support from Climate Investment Fund through Ghana’s Forest investment programme (GFIP) to provide options for tree tenure regimes, tree ownership and benefit sharing mechanisms for farmers to plant more trees. This paper highlights the importance of trees on farm for landscape restoration, legal framework and the procedures for tree registration, identified strengths and weaknesses and potential for climate change mitigation and adaptation as well as sustained reduction in degradation and deforestation whilst increasing productivity per hectare for farmers. Keywords: Landscape management, Deforestation and forest degradation, Climate change, Agriculture, Sustainable forest management ID: 3624089
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    Sustainable management of Miombo woodlands
    Food security, nutrition and wood energy
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    The Miombo woodland is a vast African dryland forest ecosystem covering close to 2.7 million km2 across southern Africa (Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe). The woodlands are characterized by the dominance of Brachystegia species, either alone or in association with Julbernardia and Isoberlinia species. It is estimated that the woodlands – through their numerous goods and services which include various non-wood forest products (NWFPs) (e.g. insects, mushrooms, fruits, tubers, medicine, fodder, honey, seeds) and woodfuels, which, for simplicity, will be referred to as non-timber forest products, or NTFPs, throughout the publication – sustain the livelihoods of more than 100 million rural poor and 50 million urban people. The charcoal sector alone employs vast numbers of rural people and offers additional income to many poor rural families. Communities moreover rely directly on the woodlands for food and nutrition. NWFPs add vital micro- and macronutrients to local diets and contribute to diversified food systems, while woodfuel is essential for cooking and sterilizing, thus ensuring proper nutrient absorption and providing clean water for drinking. Forests and trees, if managed sustainably, are an important source of resilience for rural people in the Miombo woodlands, supporting households to absorb and recover from climatic or economic calamities and contributing to resolving the underlying causes of food insecurity, undernutrition and poverty by providing nutritious edible products and woodfuel for cooking in addition to conserving biodiversity and water resources, buffering extreme weather conditions and preventing land degradation and desertification. Generally speaking, it is now accepted that forests managed for both timber and NTFPs retain more biodiversity and resilience than forests managed solely for one aspect, e.g. timber and exotic timber plantations. However, a growing population in high need of agricultural land and unsustainable use and overharvesting of natural resources in parts of the Miombo woodlands, combined with climate change impacts (e.g. drought, fires), leave insufficient time for many trees and associated species to regenerate naturally, posing a serious threat to the products and services of the woodlands, and to the livelihoods depending on them. Compounding the problem and hindering development of the Miombo ecosystem, are: i) lack of an enabling policy environment; ii) unsustainable management; iii) limited willingness and ability to pay for and access to energy-efficiency technologies; iv) inadequate awareness and information, including technical capacity; v) high poverty levels; and vi) limited access to microcredit facilities. With the Committee on World Food Security’s endorsement of the recommendations presented in the High Level Panel of Experts Report on Sustainable Forestry for Food Security and Nutrition in late 2017 – which include promoting multifunctional landscapes, integrated food-forestry systems, and research on associated linkages, among other things – forests and trees are expected to play a greater role in future land-use decisions and related policies. This paper provides an overview of these linkages in the context of the Miombo woodlands, in the hope that future land use, policy decisions and financial investments are shaped to support the contributions of forests and trees to the health and livelihoods of communities in the ecoregion. The following key messages were formulated: • Forests and trees, if managed sustainably, are an important source of resilience for rural people in the Miombo woodlands, supporting households to absorb and recover from climatic or economic calamities and contributing to resolving the underlying causes of food insecurity, undernutrition and poverty by providing nutritious edible products and woodfuel for cooking in addition to conserving biodiversity and water resources, buffering extreme weather conditions and preventing land degradation and desertification. • Current data bases referring to the value of the Miombo must be analysed and used as evidence to improve policy-making. • Miombo woodlands may be dominant (spatially), but they have not been addressed as a single unit but as part of the region’s forests. They form part of the overall forestry strategies and no specific mention in the conventions does not suggest that their importance is underplayed. • The management of Miombo will require some changes in management structures, especially in providing benefits emerging from trade in forest products to local managers. • Local forest managers should play a greater role in allocating resources for feedstock for charcoal production.
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    Community forest management and local financing for forest and landscape restoration in Cambodia
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Forest and natural resources are critical to communities in Cambodia, but they are being strongly affected by land encroachment, illegal logging and over-harvesting. Through the support of FAO’s Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism (FLRM), and with the local partnership of the Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC), the Phnom Dek Chambok Hos Community Forestry (PDCHCF) committed to restoring the native trees in their designated forestland, protecting biodiversity, increasing forest cover, and preventing land encroachment. The challenge was to achieve these ambitious goals while also generating income for the community and possibly promoting eco- tourism in the long term. Led by Mr. Khea Sochea, who is from the Kouy Indigenous Group, the PDCHCF has developed an innovative restoration management plan paired with a local financing mechanism that provides short-and long-term incentives and credit schemes to engage members for sustainable forest management. The PDCHCF established a tree plantation site that mixes native and fast-growing tree species and dedicated some areas for intercropping within the degraded area. After consulting PDCHCF members, and in compliance with land laws, the PDCHCF Management Committee decided to grant access to two hectares of land for rice cultivation to the five members who are involved in the maintenance of the tree plantation to provide them with an income- generating activity and an incentive to support their restoration efforts. In the medium or long term, PDCHCF members expect to harvest fast-growing trees to generate revenues for community activities and the credit scheme serving as the financial mechanism and incentive scheme to their members. Keywords: Deforestation and forest degradation, Sustainable forest management, Economic Development ID: 3487212

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