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Book (series)¹ØÓÚÖƶ¨º£Ñó²¶ÀÌÓæÒµÓãºÍÓæ²úÆ·Éú̬±êÇ©¹ú¼Ê×¼ÔòµÄר¼Ò´èÉ̻ᱨ¸æ¡£2003Äê10ÔÂ14£17ÈÕ£¬Òâ´óÀûÂÞÂí 2004关于制定海洋捕捞渔业鱼及渔产品生态标签国际准则的专家磋商会由粮农组织根据渔业委员会第二十五届会议(2003年2月24-28日,罗马)的要求召开。专家磋商会利用包括国际标准化组织(ISO)有关指南在内的各种来源,拟定了海洋捕捞渔业鱼及渔产品生态标签的国际准则草案,包括原则、最低实质性要求、标准和程序。为评定是否可授予某种渔业生态标签规定了最低实质性要求和标准。生态标签计划可应用额外的或更加严格的要求和标准。为管理系统、目标资源和生态系统考虑这三个领域的每个领域规定了最低实质性要求。对管理系统来说,还列出了更加具体的标准。准则草案还处理了任何生态标签计划应包括的三个主要程序和机构事项:(1) 制定认证标准,(2) 认可独立认证机构和 (3) 认证某种渔业和产品监管链符合所需标准和程序。
Book (stand-alone)亚太区域渔业和水产养殖现状及潜力 2006 2009
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The Asia-Pacific region currently produces almost 50 percent of the world’s fish from capture fisheries and over 90 percent from aquaculture, providing food security, revenue and employment to millions. The region is very diverse and considerable differences exist within and among the seas. However, despite this diversity there are also many common trends that will have a large impact on the future of fisheries and aquaculture in the region. One alarming trend is the rapid decline in the status of coastal fishery resources and ecosystems throughout the region. Using regional fishery data and information collated by FAO, this report provides a comprehensive picture of production trends of fisheries and aquaculture and reviews the current status of fisheries resources and aquaculture species and their contribution to national economies and food security. This is illustrated by a detailed view of subregions and aquaculture production by species groups. The report also elaborates on two em erging issues that require close attention to ensure sustainable development of the sector illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and food safety and trade in fisheries and aquaculture. -
MeetingReport on the Development of a Comprehensive Record of Fishing Vessels
<i>Meeting document COFI/2007/Inf.12</i>
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