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Consultation and Special Regional Conference of the Peoples, Social Movements and NGOs for Food Sovereignty and Social Justice

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    Book (stand-alone)
    CELAC Plan for food security, nutrition and the eradication of hunger 2030
    Time is action
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    The CELAC plan for food security, nutrition and the eradication of hunger 2030 consists of three chapters. The first presents the context and trends that affect food security and nutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean, organized into four pillars, i) Strengthen legal and institutional frameworks and macroeconomic and trade policies for the coordination and implementation of food security and nutrition plans, policies and programmes with a gender and ethnic-racial focus and human rights perspective, in particular the Right to Adequate Food; ii) Promote sustainable production, food supply and physical and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious foods for all people, especially those in more vulnerable situations, with cultural and territorial relevance; iii) Guarantee the affordability and consumption of healthy diets for the entire population, especially those in more vulnerable situations, while ensuring respect for the diversity of diets and food culture; iv) Promote sustainable and resilient agrifood systems to address climate change, protect biodiversity, efficiently use natural resources, and provide timely assistance to the population in the face of extreme climate events and natural disasters that may affect the availability of food. It also has 15 lines of action and 142 action measures proposed. The second focuses on financing and the instruments for its implementation, such as the regional platform of the CELAC for 2030. The third is related to monitoring and the proposed indicators for the analysis of the results, including their contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals and the additional objectives agreed by the countries.

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