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Final Evaluation of the Joint Resilience Project in Kassala - Management response

Project evaluation - Management response

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    Final Evaluation of the Joint Resilience Project in Kassala
    Project evaluation - Main evaluation
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    Weather-related shocks in Kassala, Sudan, regularly affect the resilience of communities and their food security conditions. The Joint Resilience Project (JPR), designed to prevent malnutrition in order to build resilience to droughts and floods, opted to measure stunting to determine whether improved maternal and child health and nutrition, as well as enhanced adaptive capacity were achieved. The initial focus on reducing malnutrition rather than building resilience reduced overall effectiveness, although the evaluation noted this shortcoming was corrected at mid-term. The evaluation recommends providing feedback on results to the 75 beneficiary communities, the four targeted localities and the Kassala Government, consolidating project results by continuing collaboration among FAO, WFP and UNICEF in the field, by strengthening the capacities of national stakeholders specifically through enhanced soft skills, and by capitalizing on lessons learned from the JRP for similar projects in the future.
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    Final Evaluation of the Joint Resilience Project in Kassala - Annexes
    Project evaluation - Annexes
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    Weather-related shocks in Kassala, Sudan, regularly affect the resilience of communities and their food security conditions. The Joint Resilience Project (JPR), designed to prevent malnutrition in order to build resilience to droughts and floods, opted to measure stunting to determine whether improved maternal and child health and nutrition, as well as enhanced adaptive capacity were achieved. The initial focus on reducing malnutrition rather than building resilience reduced overall effectiveness, although the evaluation noted this shortcoming was corrected at mid-term. The evaluation recommends providing feedback on results to the 75 beneficiary communities, the four targeted localities and the Kassala Government, consolidating project results by continuing collaboration among FAO, WFP and UNICEF in the field, by strengthening the capacities of national stakeholders specifically through enhanced soft skills, and by capitalizing on lessons learned from the JRP for similar projects in the future.
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    Book (series)
    Final evaluation of the project "Strengthening resilience to climate change through integrated agricultural and pastoral management in the Sahelian zone in the framework of Mali's sustainable land management approach
    Project code: GCP/MLI/038/LDF GEF ID: 4822
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    Mali is currently facing many challenges due to climate change that is significantly affecting all communities in the country, and agricultural producers in particular. In order to meet these climate challenges, the project aimed at building the capacities of agro-pastoralists in the Banamba, Kita and Niono districts to help them cope with climate change. With the exception of gender, the project strategy is sound and it reached the objective to boost the capacity of Mali's agro-pastoral activities to cope with climate change. A functional interactive community chat created by the project, as well as the Village Savings and Loan Associations set-up, are some of the elements that strengthen the resilience of agro-pastoralists and render project achievements more sustainable.

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