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FAO Afghanistan Newsletter, Issue 11, December 2017

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Regional Overview of Food Insecurity Asia and the Pacific 2016
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    The year 2015 marked the end of the global Millennium Development agenda and 2016 heralds a transition to the new 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development. Asia-Pacific Region not only met the MDG target of halving the proportion of people suffering from hunger, but was also the region with the largest reduction in the number of undernourished people in the world. Despite good progress being made by many countries in tackling malnutrition, the overall rate of progress is less than desired and the re are several countries and sub-regions where the prevalence rates are still very high. The analysis presented in this report will help encourage dialogue and shape a new public narrative towards eradicating hunger and malnutrition and creating a transformative change for sustainable development.

    Most governments are taking concrete actions to address the problem and there is a clear recognition of strengthening agriculture and food systems in a manner that brings more affordable, hea lthier and diverse food options within everyone’s reach.

    This report also introduces a special section which will focus on a different selected key issue or trend affecting food security and nutrition in the region each year. This year, the focus is on the importance of milk and smallholder dairy in view of the remarkable growth in the production and consumption of milk and milk products in the region. The section concludes that the promotion of milk consumption and small-scale dairying offe rs potential for triple wins in nutrition, rural livelihoods and the environment.

    See the other Regional Overviews:

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    Newsletter FAO Afghanistan. Issue 9, June 2017 2017
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    The 9th issue of FAO Afghanistan is quarterly base publication, provides the audience with the information in regards to FAO Afghanistan’s major achievements during the period of April- June 2017 particularly celebrating EU's successful support to agricultural development in Afghanistan over the last ten years, Extension of Technical Assistance (TA) contract worth US$4.7 million to FAO Afghanistan for the implementation of Irrigation Restoration Development Project-Additional Financing (IRDP-AF) , signing MOU with Chief Executive Office and three UN agencies (FAO, WFP, UNICIF) on Afghanistan Food Security and Nutrition Agenda, national workshop on strengthening codex activities in Afghanistan, establishment of milk collection and livestock services delivery infrastructure in Desabz, Chahar Asiab and Qarabagh Districts of Kabul Province
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Green Climate Fund Readiness and Preparatory Programme of the Islamic Republic of Iran
    To further strengthen the national climate change decision-making mechanism
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    "The Green Climate (GCF) Readiness and Preparatory Programme of the Islamic Republic of Iran" brochure intends to present the activities of one of the FAO's ongoing projects with the same name in the Islamic Republic of Iran. It will be distributed among the stakeholders and general public as the main audience of this project. It provides them with necessary information on FAO’s mandate and activities in terms of climate change, current situation of Iran in this regard and how the Organization assissts the country to plan, access to finance, implement and report on climate change adaptation and mitigation measures.

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