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DocumentAvian Influenza Disease Emergency: issue No. 44 (22/11/2006)
Avian Influenza Disease Emergency
2006Also available in:
No results found.Speeding up the response to biosecurity threats - Crisis Management Centre to handle food chain. FAO has placed the protection of biosecurity high on its agenda for coming years with the launching October 12 of its Crisis Management Centre, a rapid response facility designed to boost and expand its already existing capacity to handle transboundary animal diseases such as avian influenza in association with the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Officially inaugurated by FAO Director-G eneral Jacques Diouf in the presence of OIE Director-General Bernard Vallat, the new centre is equipped with the latest communications technology and a core staff of scientists and emergency experts is already on constant stand-by to move into action the moment an animal disease or other threat to the world’s food chain is reported. emergencies -
DocumentAvian Influenza Disease Emergency: issue No. 39 (23/02/2006)
Update of the Avian Influenza situation
2006Also available in:
No results found.The outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in Northern Nigeria are a serious international crisis. Nigeria has an important commercial poultry sector and millions of backyard poultry farmers. The poultry population is estimated at 140 million. The animal health infrastructure in the country is facing a big challenge. -
DocumentAvian Influenza Disease Emergency: issue No. 43 (04/10/2006)
Avian Influenza Disease Emergency
2006Also available in:
No results found.‘Learning by doing’ is the best way to get people involved in action to control avian flu in poultry, according to the official in charge of the coordinated U.N. system to fight the disease. Speaking in Bangkok, Dr David Nabarro, U.N. System Influenza Coordinator (UNSIC), added that increased commitment by all concerned to continue the fight against the disease at source in animals is the key to preventing an influenza pandemic. He was commenting on the efforts of FAO is making with national and local government health services in Indonesia to implement a community-based approach to disease surveillance and control, which has provided better understanding of the endemic nature of the disease and of the concerns of household poultry raisers about the costs and dangers involved.
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