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DocumentResults Framework for LAPs Household-level Impacts 2016
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The following results framework shows the indicators that could be used to evaluate LAP impacts at the household level. This matrix has been constructed according to the Chain of results and impacts at the household level. -
Book (stand-alone)FAO/Intake joint meeting report on Dietary Data Collection, Analysis and Use
Taking Stock of Country Experiences and Promising Practices in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
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No results found.Dietary data provide critical information to guide the design of evidence-based nutrition and agriculture policies and programmes. Such information is especially crucial in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). In addition to having the highest levels of undernutrition globally, these countries are now also seeing dramatic changes in dietary patterns, with diets shifting increasingly away from a “traditional diet”, towards a diet more heavily influenced by processed, packaged and energy-dense foods with little nutrient content. As a method for collecting data on what people eat, nationally representative, quantitative 24-hour dietary recall surveys are considered the gold standard, but they are expensive, time-consuming and require specialized technical expertise to carry out. Thus, despite the clear need for dietary data in LMICs, the number of such countries with nationwide dietary data available to guide the design of policies and programmes remains relatively low. This report provides a summary and highlights from a technical meeting on “Dietary Data Collection, Analysis and Use: Taking Stock of Country Experiences and Promising Practices in Low- and Middle-Income Countries”, jointly convened by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Intake Center for Dietary Assessment, on December 11–13, 2019 at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy. The meeting, which brought together experts from 20 LMICs across different regions of the world, aimed overall to promote South–South learning, cross-regional networking, and the sharing of experiences with national (or large-scale), government-led, government-owned, quantitative 24-hour dietary recall surveys in LMICs. -
No Thumbnail AvailableBook (series)Farm household decision making and extension framework for understanding farm household-level decision making and design of agroforestry extension strategies
Training Workshop on Integrating Woodfuel Production into Agroforestry Extension Programmes in Southeast Asia
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