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Colombia: Resilience Programme (2017-2020)

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    2002 International Year of Mountains 2002
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    Statements from FAO's Director-General and the King of Nepal, profiles of mountain issues and activities from countries such as Bolivia, Italy, Kyrgyzstan and Peru, and information on mountain forests, tropical cloud forests and sacred mountains complete Unasylva's foray into the mountains.
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    2017 Response Plan - The Democratic Republic of the Congo 2017
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    The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is experiencing a protracted humanitarian crisis. Extreme poverty, a fragile security context and intensified inter-community conflict have rendered communities increasingly vulnerable. 7.7 million people are facing crisis and emergency levels of food insecurity (phases 3 and 4), representing 11 percent of the rural population. This is mainly due to the crisis in Kasaï provinces and Tanganyika. The response will take an integrated two track emergency re sponse approach; combining emergency support to small holder agriculture production through the provision of seeds, tools and livestock as well as small scale livelihoods starter kits in order to save lives, protect livelihoods and build resilience of IDPs, returnees and host communities. Priorities for 2017 are as follows: Initial relief interventions in the areas most affected by population movements; fostering access and production of nutritious food; and supporting rural livelihoods opportun ities including income generation and social cohesion.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Resilience Building in Ethiopia
    FAO Programme Review 2024
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    Under the resilience building programme, Ethiopia is a focus country for the regional initiative on Building Resilience in Africa’s Dry lands. This initiative aims to strengthen institutional capacity for resilience; support early warning and information management systems; build community level resilience; and respond to emergencies and crises. FAO Ethiopia provides support to the government in strengthening early warning, preparedness, disaster mitigation and response capacity at all levels through building early warning capacity of stakeholders on disasters (flood, drought, and pest/diseases outbreaks) and information exchange. Disaster Risk Management (DRM) capacity and support to national and regional disaster risk management coordination platforms continue to be strengthened. Specifically, FAO promotes disaster risk reduction approaches and best practices through supporting communities through diversified livelihood options, supporting flood protection, prevention, and mitigation actions for major affected areas of the country, and support irrigation development for viable and better livelihood options. Enhancing the social protection of vulnerable communities through promotion of social protection and agriculture linkage, build capacity of key stakeholders in the implementation of the Social Protection Policy, and provide technical support for effective implementation of the National Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP4) of the government, and link NRM related interventions with social and livelihood protection measures.With support from resource partners such as Norway, Japan, United Nations Agency for International Development Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID-BHA), the European Commission (EC), German Cooperation and the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) funding through the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), FAO is implementing programmes and projects to strengthen the resilience of communities in Ethiopia in close collaboration and coordination with the government and partners.This document seeks to explore FAO's contributions to enhancing resilience capacities in Ethiopia, shedding light on the organization's multifaceted approach and its impact on vulnerable populations.

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