Water scarcity. Land and Water Days 2019 - Near East and North Africa

dc.contributor.author FAO Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.date.lastModified 2019-03-27T08:34:54.0000000Z
dc.description.abstract Solving water scarcity will require a multi-dimensional approach including assistance from decision-support tools to help national managers to find the right mix of water, food and energy options to best fit country situations. Once socially acceptable paths that enhance country comparative advantages are outlined and communicated, institutional capacity, policies and financing are needed to carry plans forward to create the desired outcomes and impacts. Opportunities for horizontal expansion of the irrigated areas are limited in most regions. The focus has shifted to improving system performance and agricultural water productivity on existing irrigation schemes. The design and mode of operation of some irrigation schemes is outdated. Traditional service delivery is no longer appropriate where farmers are looking to have irrigation water on demand. New gains must come through participation with communities and water user association who are increasingly demanding that their inputs be taken into consideration.
dc.format.numberofpages 2p.
dc.identifier.url http://www.fao.org/3/ca3937en/ca3937en.pdf
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher FAO ;
dc.rights.copyright FAO
dc.title Water scarcity. Land and Water Days 2019 - Near East and North Africa
dc.title.subtitle Background Paper: Executive Summary
dc.type Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
fao.contentcategory Technical
fao.edition 1
fao.identifier.jobnumber CA3937EN
fao.identifier.uri http://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/CA3937EN
fao.placeofpublication Rome, Italy ;
fao.sdgs 01. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
fao.sdgs "02. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture"
fao.sdgs 06. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
fao.sdgs 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
fao.subject.agrovoc water resources
fao.subject.agrovoc water user groups
fao.subject.agrovoc community involvement
fao.subject.agrovoc new technology
fao.subject.agrovoc irrigation systems
fao.subject.agrovoc North Africa
fao.visibilitytype PUBLIC PROMOTION
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