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Implementation of the ecosystem approach to fisheries for the demersal fisheries of the Mediterranean coast of Egypt: baseline report

Aly,W.E., El-Haweet, A.E.A. & Megahed, A.S. 2024. Implementation of theecosystem approach to fisheries for the demersal fisheries of the Mediterraneancoast of Egypt Baseline report. FAO Fisheries andAquaculture Technical Paper No. 645. Rome, FAO.

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    Implementation of the ecosystem approach to fisheries for the purse seine fisheries in Lebanon
    Baseline report
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    A pilot case study on the implementation of the ecosystem approach to the purse-seine fisheries in Lebanon initiated in 2016, under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture of Lebanon. One of the first steps in the pilot case study was the elaboration of a Baseline Report, which is presented in this publication. The Baseline report documents the available information on the purse seine fishery with the objective to assist with the rest of the management planning process. It describes relevant information about the fishery, the species and geographical areas covered in the case study, the socioeconomic profile of the fishery and the institutional arrangements for its management.
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    The implementation of the ecosystem approach to fisheries management in Gökçeada, Turkey
    Baseline report
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    Gökçeada is Turkey’s largest island, and acts as a natural center for the transition points of migrating fish, located at the entrance of Saros Bay, and at a point where the Marmara Sea and the North Aegean waters meet. The banks surrounding Gökçeada, create rich fishing beds. It also hosts Turkey’s only marine park established in 1999. A lack of stock assessments, as well as co-management, has impeded fisheries management capabilities in the region. This document presents a first baseline report on the fisheries of Gökçeada to facilitate its transition to incorporating the principles of an ecosystem approach to fisheries management. This report was prepared as part of the project «Transition to Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management and Designing a Management Plan in Gökçeada, Turkey», carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and managed by Ege University with the participation of many other stakeholders and financed by the FAO EastMed Project. The first part of the report presents information on the fisheries, and the second section, presents threats to the sustainability of fishing. A review of all existing relevant data was completed in addition to fisher interviews performed in 2020 to properly understand the current state of the fisheries and threats affecting sustainability. The baseline report is the first step towards the preparation of a management plan for fisheries in Gökçeada. The success of this initiative requires the joint willingness and determination of all stakeholders, especially from the official institutions and the fishery cooperative.
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    A diagnostic tool for implementing an ecosystem approach to fisheries through policy and legal frameworks 2021
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    The implementation of an ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF) contributes to sustainable fisheries in various ways. One of them is by reviewing national policy and legal instruments to identify gaps which prevent a country from progressing towards full alignment with, and implementation of, an EAF. This diagnostic tool builds on the previous work of FAO by translating the 17 EAF components identified in the How-to Guide on legislating for an EAF into an EAF Legal Checklist for legal practitioners, policymakers and fisheries managers to use in conducting a preliminary assessment of selected policy and legal instruments and determining whether they are congruent an EAF. The outcomes of the assessment may result in decisions to amend existing national policies and/or legislation, or develop new policy and legal instruments that are aligned with the 17 EAF components, to ensure the full implementation of an EAF towards improving, in a holistic way, the conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, biodiversity and ecosystems.

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