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Coping with Climate Change – The Roles of Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

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    Coping with climate change
    The importance of genetic resources for food security
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    To provide food and nutrition security when confronted with the challenges of climate change we will have to confront new problems, of ten unpredictable, and without precedent. The safeguarding and sustainable use of the genetic resources of plants, animals, forests, invertebrates and microorganisms are key to maintaining our abilit y to achieve food security through proper agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture practices. It is essential to link climate change adaptation and mitigat ion policies and programmes to genetic resources objectives while simultaneously considering the need for food and nutrition security.
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    Genetic Resources for Food Security and Nutrition 2015
    Conserving genetic resources for food and agriculture and promoting their use in support of global food security and sustainable development for present and future generations. Genetic resources for food and agriculture (GRFA) –the diversity of plants, animals, aquatic resources, forests, micro-organisms and invertebrates – are the strategic reservoir on which all our food production systems depend.
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    The State of the World Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture – in Brief 2019
    The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture presents the first global assessment of biodiversity for food and agriculture worldwide. Biodiversity for food and agriculture is the diversity of plants, animals and micro-organisms at genetic, species and ecosystem levels, present in and around crop, livestock, forest and aquatic production systems. It is essential to the structure, functions and processes of these systems, to livelihoods and food security, and to the supply of a wide range of ecosystem services. It has been managed or influenced by farmers, livestock keepers, forest dwellers, fish farmers and fisherfolk for hundreds of generations. Prepared through a participatory, country-driven process, the report draws on information from 91 country reports to provide a description of the roles and importance of biodiversity for food and agriculture, the drivers of change affecting it and its current status and trends. It describes the state of efforts to promote the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity for food and agriculture, including through the development of supporting policies, legal frameworks, institutions and capacities. It concludes with a discussion of needs and challenges in the future management of biodiversity for food and agriculture. The report complements other global assessments prepared under the auspices of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, which have focused on the state of genetic resources within particular sectors of food and agriculture.

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