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DocumentCase Study: Central and Northern Rakhine State Case Study: Revisiting emergency response and recovery projects in disaster and conflict affected communities
Country programme evaluation - Case study
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Book (series)Case studies on measuring and assessing forest degradation. LADA-Local: a local level land degradation assessment approach and a case study of its use in Senegal 2009
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No Thumbnail AvailableBook (stand-alone)CF Case Study 3: Women's Role in Dynamic Forest-Based Small Scale Enterprises. Case Studies on Uppage and Lacquerware from India 1991
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No results found.In 1985 the Policies and Institutions Service of the FAO Forestry Department began to explore ways that forestry could strengthen food security for those most dependent on tree and forest products. In addition to the direct nutritional inputs (food, fodder and fuel), the often more important indirect inputs of provision of cash income through sale of forest products or employment through household enterprise, were also explored. A series of case studies and an expert consultation led to pro duction of Forestry Paper 79 Forest-based small scale enterprises (FBSSEs) which emphasized the often primary role forest-based small scale enterprises play in ensuring food security. It noted that these enterprises frequently provide an off-farm source of income during seasons when agricultural activity is lower, income scarce and supplies for the new agricultural season are needed. FBSSEs provide crucial support to small holder farmer production systems.
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