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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetMigration and Protracted Crises 2016This booklet is directed towards FAO Member States, UN system and all other potential partners, and sheds light on the role that resilient agriculture livelihoods can play in addressing some of the root causes of migration in protracted crises and assisting displaced populations and host communities to cope with protracted displacement. The document aims at improving understanding of migration in situations of protracted crisis by explaining the context and providing examples of the work that FA O, together with its partners, has been doing across different countries to strengthen the resilience of communities and leave no one behind before, during and after protracted crises.
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetGender equality for resilience in protracted crises 2017
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No results found.The webinar on gender equality for resilience in protracted crises was presented as part of a series of webinars organized between May and December 2016 by KORE - the Knowledge sharing platform on resilience- within the INFORMED programme and dedicated to sharing knowledge on resilience building. This series of webinars is the result of a collaboration between EU-DEVCO and FAO strategic programme on resilience. The objective is to improve the food security and nutrition of populations affected b y, or at risk of, protracted crises by addressing critical manifestations and building resilience; adapting to specific challenges; and contributing to addressing underlying causes. Among the 11 principles, there is a specific principle on gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. -
Book (stand-alone)Lake Chad Basin crisis - Response strategy (2017-2019) 2017
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In the past year, FAO scaled up its capacities and level of interventions to respond to the Lake Chad Basin crisis. In order to address food security and livelihoods-related needs on a larger scale and timeframe, the next relevant step is to provide FAO with a three year Resilience Strategy for the Lake Chad Basin – with focus on Northeast Nigeria. The document presents in a concise and comprehensive manner the impact of the crisis on food security and livelihoods in Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon and Chad. FAO’s twin-track approach is developed with emphasis on FAO’s strategic framework of intervention, including outcomes, outputs and cross-cutting priorities at the sub-regional level. Focus is also made on the country-specific plans of action.
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