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Conditional cash assistance to build resilience against water scarcity in the West Bank

Creating employment opportunities and enhancing adaptive capacities to recurrent drought within protracted crises

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Conditional Cash Assistance to build resilience against water scarcity in the West Bank 2016
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    The West Bank is an arid or semi-arid land characterized by low precipitation with a large proportion of rainfall rapidly lost as surface runoff. While natural shocks like drought pose challenges to the already fragile water network, the protracted conflict in the region causes further difficulties by restricting access to available water resources. As a result, many farmers are unable to take full advantage of their agricultural lands. FAO has been supporting families dependent on agriculture i n the West Bank by supporting the construction of cisterns through conditional cash transfers and a step by step approach. This practice ensures access to water resources and consequently contributes to building more resilient livelihoods.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    The CASH + approach in the Sahel as a tool to reinforce resilience in the Sahel 2017
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    In the West Africa and Sahel region, millions of vulnerable people who depend on the production, marketing and consumption of crops, livestock, fish, forests and other natural resources are facing recurrent disasters and crises. These shocks undermine their livelihoods and threaten their food and nutrition security. The brochure follows the implementation of an FAO 18-months ‘CASH+’ project developed in Mali and Mauritania. It aims to illustrate the project activities’ positive impacts on food s ecurity, income and nutrition among beneficiaries.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    The household- and individual-level economic impacts of cash transfer programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa 2017
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    This report synthesizes the analysis and findings of a set of seven country impact evaluation studies that explore the impact of cash transfer programmes on household economic decision-making, productive activities and labour allocation in sub-Saharan Africa. The seven countries are Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Results from seven recently completed rigorous impact evaluations of government-run unconditional social cash transfer programmes in sub-Saharan Africa s how that these programmes have significant positive impacts on the livelihoods of beneficiary households. In Zambia, the Child Grant programme had large and positive impacts across an array of income generating activities. The impact of the programmes in Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi and Zimbabwe were more selective in nature, while the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty programme in Ghana had fewer direct impacts on productive activities, and more on various dimensions of risk management .

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