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Agroforestry for climate change adaptation: A study from Siwalik, Makwanpur, Nepal

XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022

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    NTFPs as a source of livelihood and climate change mitigation & adaptation: a case study from Jharkhand, India
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    There is an inextricable link between forest resources and livelihood of rural people .The rural people including tribals – Oraon, Munda, Ho, Savar, Santhal, Birhor, Bhumij etc. living around forest area use these non-timber forest produce (NTFP) as their primary source of income, food, nutrition, and medicine. NTFPs may be used for subsistence or for sale, providing cash income and function as an economic buffer in times of hardships. The paper summarizes activities of livelihood based on NTFPs in Jharkhand .They get employment in activities related to NTFPs like plucking of Tendu leaves (Diospyros sps.), rearing of Silk- (Antheraea mylitta Drury) and cultivation of Lac- (Kerria lacca Kerr), making of fancy items from bamboo and cottage industry based on bamboo. Of these NTFPs, Lac and Silk occupy an important place in rural economy. Lac, which is a natural resin secreted by an insect, Kerria lacca (Kerr.), cultivated on host trees like Palas [Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub] and Kusum [Schleichera oleosa (Lour.) Oken] .In Jharkhand mostly Tassar Silk is reared which is produced by a wild silkworm of Antheraea mylitta Drury which feeds primarily on host trees like Asan [Terminalia tomentosa (DC) Wt. &Arn].The paper depicts activities of crafts based on bamboo, embroidery on silk cloth and manufacture of decorative items of Lac and other facets of these NTFPs and their contribution in improving earnings of rural people. The paper also critically examines how NTFPs can be effective tool in climate change mitigation and adaptation especially in REDD+. Hence NTFPs are of importance for food security, livelihood option, poverty eradication and for their role in climate change mitigation and adaption. Government policy in India and Jharkhand related to Join Forest Management, enactment of Forest Right Act 2006, and implementing Forest Working plan Code 2014 by, has brought about radical changes in approach towards management of NTFPs. Keywords: Adaptation, Climate Change, Livelihood, NTFP ID: 3486213
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    Country study: Adaptation of forests to climate change – policy evolution and recent measures taken by Switzerland
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    In Switzerland, science and policy institutions joined forces in 2009 to launch a research programme on forest adaptation to climate change. It formally ended in 2018 but has been linked to a series of formal steps (a first national global adaptation strategy in 2012, rapidly followed by an action plan 2014-19 and the current one 2020-25) as well as to complementary research-development initiatives. At a national governance level, the paper first analyses the integration of forestry in the cross-sectoral strategies and the role of interdepartmental platforms. It then focuses on the scientific progress made within the Swiss forestry sector: through the joint research programme and the participation of practitioners. The combination of scientifically backed field experiments and the opportunities offered by IT tools are presented. A national long term project on testing the performance of 18 planted tree species is ongoing. A new web application, tree app, is now available in order to offer a tool to promote and/or select the right future trees for which forest practitioners and forest owners are not the only target groups. Action research processes, case studies (marteloscopes) and general information is widely provided to a multi-disciplinary and public audience to facilitate the acceptance of the inevitable coming changes in terms of forest image and forest management. Finally, the paper highlights lessons learnt from this still ongoing process that could be of use to other countries. Keywords: Adaptive and integrated management, Climate change, Policies, Sustainable forest management, Knowledge management ID: 3486701
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    The change in forest productivity and stand-dynamics under climate change in East Asian temperate forests: A case study from South Korean forests
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    The velocity and impact of climate change on forest appear to be site, environment, and tree species-specific.The primary objective of this research is to assess the changes in productivity of major temperate tree species in South Korea using terrestrial inventory and satellite remote sensing data. The area covered by each tree species was further categorized into either lowland forest (LLF) or high mountain forest (HMF) and investigated. We used the repeated Korean national forest inventory (NFI) data to calculate a stand-level annual increment (SAI). We then compared the SAI, a ground-based productivity measure, to MODIS net primary productivity (NPP) as a measure of productivity based on satellite imagery. In addition, the growth index of each increment core, which eliminated the effect of tree age on radial growth, was derived as an indicator of the variation of productivity by tree species over the past four decades. Based on these steps, we understand the species- and elevation-dependent dynamics. The secondary objective is to predict the forest dynamics under climate change using the Perfect Plasticity Approximation with Simple Biogeochemistry (PPA- SiBGC) model. The PPA-SiBGC is an analytically tractable model of forest dynamics, defined in terms of parameters for individual trees, including allometry, growth, and mortality. We estimated these parameters for the major species by using NFI and increment core data. We predicted forest dynamics using the following time-series metrics: Net ecosystem exchange, aboveground biomass, belowground biomass, C, soil respiration, and relative abundance. We then focus on comparing the impact of climate change on LLF and HMF. The results of our study can be used to develop climate-smart forest management strategies to ensure that both LLF and HMF continue to be resilient and continue to provide a wide range of ecosystem services in the Eastern Asian region. Keywords: mountain forests, lowland forests, increment core, national forest inventory, MODIS NPP ID: 3486900

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