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Propagation and growth from seeds and root segment cuttings of fruit tree-plus Diospyros mespiliformis (Ebenaceae) in Benin West Africa

XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022

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    Seed germination and phenotypic responses to water restriction of Beilschmiedia miersii provenances
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    We assessed the effect of seed provenance on seed germination traits, seedling growth, biomass allocation, presence of cotyledons, and survival responses of the endemic Beilschmiedia miersii cultivated under two water treatments (well‐ watered versus water stress, average pre‐dawn plant water potentials of ‐0.9 and ‐4.5 MPa). Provenances from the southern range of the species had a better germination performance whereas the coastal and interior provenances were not able to survive in large number to the seedling stage. The provenance El Arbol, exhibited a higher survival, growth, presence of cotyledons, and biomass traits. This provenance also exhibited a higher presence of cotyledons in both watering treatments and an unaltered root to shoot ratio between the well‐ watered and the water stress treatments. We found important phenotypic variation for seed germination and seedling survival associated to the provenance origin, emphasizing the importance of a nursery‐evaluation phase before the beginning of restoration projects at the landscape level. Keywords: provenance origin, water restriction, restricted range species, Mediterranean‐type ecosystems, recruitment, restoration ID: 3624060
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    High-frequency regeneration of plants in vitro from seedling-derived apical bud explants in Tilia mandshurica
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Tilia species have taken hold as a crop of interest for both the honey and timber industries, underscoring a need for the development of efficient methods for large-scale propagation. In Tilia species such as T. mandshurica, propagation through seeds is difficult because of a low germination rate (approximately 10-16%) and an extremely hard seed coating that can delay germination for up to two years. Further, cutting propagation is not efficient due to the resulting poor development of root systems. To overcome these difficulties, in vitro culture techniques for plant regeneration have become attractive methods for the propagation of plants. Generally, plant regeneration systems based on apical and axillary bud culture are the most effective method of in vitro propagation
    This work was to develop an efficient method for shoot induction and plant regeneration of seedling-derived apical bud explant in Tilia mandshurica. The highest rate (82.2%) of shoot induction was obtained when apical bud explants from juvenile seedlings (5 months old) were cultured on MS medium containing 1.0 mg/L BAP. However, apical bud explants obtained from mature trees (12 years old) did not produce any shoots, even with BAP supplementation. Among the three cytokinins tested for shoot multiplication (BAP, zeatin, and kinetin), BAP was the most effective; the highest number of shoots per explant (2.1) was observed on MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mg/L BAP. For rooting of in vitro-elongated shoots, the highest rooting rate (100%) was observed in half-strength MS medium supplemented with 0.5-1.0 mg/L IBA or 3.0 mg/L NAA. In the acclimatization process, plantlets that were rooted on the IBA (0.5 mg/L)-supplemented medium had the highest survival rate (100%) or root length (18.5 cm). This work showed that a low concentration (0.5 mg/L) of IBA is appropriate for rooting. Keywords: Biodiversity conservation ID: 3622528
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    Effect of cutting dimensions, rooting media and incubation on vegetative propagation of Prunus armeniaca
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Propagation through cuttings of Prunus armeniaca – a tree borne oilseed of mid hills and dry temperate regions in India was tested by using three treatments. Vegetative propagation provides the opportunity in multiplication by cuttings by providing true-to-its-type plant and producing superior individuals. Effect of length and diameter, type and concentration of auxin and incubation method and duration on rooting of cuttings in wild apricot was studied. The study concluded that the optimal condition for rooting percentage in P. armeniaca is maximum using the incubator for 18 days on cutting length of 15 cm and cutting diameter of 1.0-1.5 cm after the application of IBA @ 5000 ppm. The survival percentage was also enhanced from 50.00 % to 53.33 % when cutting length of 15 cm and cutting diameter of 1.0-1.5 cm with IBA @ 5000 ppm incubated for 18 days at 30oC. Keywords: Adaptive and integrated management, Research, Biodiversity conservation, Knowledge management, Economic Development ID: 3486459

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