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Education and Training for Food Security

Capacity Building and Good Practices in Five African Countries

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Best Practices for Education and Training of Rural Youth - Lessons from Asia 2003
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    Young people are the future of any nation. This is something always mentioned inmany forums and gathering and in speeches and writings relating to issuesconcerning youth. However, the future also depends and relates to the presentand from which lessons can be extracted and used to address challenges andopportunities facing young people. The present shows that there is a very largesegment of the world’s population who are considered young people or youth (asper the UN definition of youth, those between 15 and 25 years old) of which thereare over 600 million in the Asia and Pacific region alone. Their characteristics,realities, needs and aspirations are unique and require urgent attention.The idea to undertake this project arose from FAO’s participation of the AsianProductivity Organization (APO) meeting on Education and Training of Rural Youththat was held in Tokyo, Japan on 15 to 22 August 2001. There, the reports of the 19country delegates that were presented mentioned of “best prac tices” beingimplemented in the countries represented at that meeting. The challenge of how toshare beyond the delegates of the APO meeting information related to these “bestpractices” was therefore presented. The book illustrates examples of internship programs of training in advanced farms in Japan, Philippines and Thailand. These programs consider that the best means to provide future farmers and future agricultural leaders with opportunities is to learn practical skills necessary for farm management. The programs played an important role in giving practical experiences to farm youth as well as students at various levels in agricultural education.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    DO GOOD: SAVE FOOD! Education material on food waste reduction for primary and secondary schools. For age group 1 (five to seven years old) 2018
    “Do Good: Save Food!” is an education package designed for that purpose. This education package is the output of a comprehensive, scientific and inclusive development process that involved the input of both public and private sector stakeholders. It responds to the growing public demand for information on the causes of and solutions to addressing food waste and seeks to engage children in the global endeavour to reduce food waste and alleviate its associated economic, environmental and social impacts.
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    Gender, Youth and Education for the Promotion of Sustainable Forest Development
    Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission, 29th Session. Lima, Peru, 9 - 13 November, 2015
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