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Manual on the application of the HACCP System in Mycotoxin prevention and control

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    Manuel sur l'application du Systèm de l'analyse des risques - points critiques pour leur maîtrise (HACCP) pour la prévention et la contrôle des mycrotoxines 2003
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    Les mycotoxines sont considérées comme faisant partie des contaminants alimentaires les plus significatifs en termes d’impact sur la santé publique, la sécurité alimentaire et l’économie de nombreux pays, notamment en développement. Elles affectent de nombreux produits agricoles, dont les céréales, les fruits secs, les noix, les grains de café et les graines oléagineuses, qui sont un capital important pour les pays en développement. Ces productions majeures sont très sensibles à la contamination par les moisissures et à la production de mycotoxines. La contamination des produits par les mycotoxines se réalise lorsqu’un ensemble de conditions environnementales au champ, ainsi que de techniques incorrectes de récolte, de stockage, et de transformation sont réunies.
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    Aquaculture development and coordination programme. Fish feed technology. Lectures presented at the FAO/UNDP Training Course in Fish Feed Technology, Seattle, Washington, 9 October - 15 December 1978 1980
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    The need for developing suitable feeds based on locally available inexpensive ingredients has been widely recognized. Since lack of trained personnel is the main constraint in the development of fish feed technology in developing countries, the FAO/UNDP Aquaculture Development and Coordination Programme (ADCP) organized a special training course in fish feed technology at the College of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle, with a view to forming a small corps of fish feed specialists wh o could then be the focal points for future feed development programmes in their respective countries. The first report of the training course was presented in the report ADCP /REP/79/8. This present volume represents the edited texts of lectures presented by different specialists. Some additional material has been included for more complete coverage of the subject. Together, these texts may be considered to constitute a manual on fish feed technology, even though they were not prepared for that purpose. Twenty-six papers are included, under the general headings: (1) Digestion, physiology and anatomy; (2) nutritional bioenergetics; (3) nutritional biochemistry; (4) feedstuffs; (5) feed formulation; (6) feed manufacturing technology; (7) practical diets; and (8) quality control. Appendices include conversion tables, electrical data, and details on pelletability of selective feedstuffs, pellet die specifications, and equipment requirements for an 8 ton an hour feed mill.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Food quality and safety systems. A training manual on food hygiene and the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system. 1998
    The manual is structured to provide essential information in a standardized, logical and systematic manner while adhering to effective teaching and learning strategies. It is composed of three sections. Section 1 reviews principles and methods of training; Section 2 introduces and elucidates the Codex Alimentarius General Principles of Food Hygiene; and Section 3 explains the HACCP system and its implementation. Each section is made up of specific training modules which can be combined and custo mized to meet the specific needs of the students. FAO has prepared this manual in an effort to harmonize the approach to training in the HACCP system based on the already harmonized texts and guidelines of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. It is clear that HACCP systems can only be effective when they are a part of a broader food quality and safety programme based on the General Principles of Food Hygiene and good manufacturing practices. Consequently, these aspects of quality and safety controls are incorporated in the training materials. We invite readers' comments and suggestions for improving this manual as part of our continuing effort to provide high-quality advice and reference materials to FAO member countries.

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