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Illipe nut plantation on undrained peatland in Indonesia

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Illipe Nut Plantation on Undrained Peatland
    West Kalimantan, Indonesia (00º 14’ 923”N, 109º 17’ 904”E)
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    Illipe species or Shorea spp. (local name: tengkawang) is a Southeast Asian climax forest tree. In term of GHG emissions, the impact of Illipe tree cultivation is neutral when compared to undrained secondary peat swamp forest. The Illipe nuts are an important non–timber forest product with a high commercial value. The fat derived from the nuts is used in chocolate and similar products. The fruiting, usually occurs every 3–4 years after a period of several rainless weeks. The tree also produces q uality timber for plywood face–veneer.
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    Sago plantations on undrained peatland in Indonesia 2015
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    This practice was introduced from the Moluccas islands in Indonesia by indigenous people. Sago palms require only negligible maintenance, which makes sago plantations among the most productive systems that can be operated at almost no maintenance cost. Small-scale sago cultivation without drainage results in a high sago self-propagation rate, short harvesting cycles and high starch content.
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    Mutual Benefits through the cultivation of swamp jelutung (Dyera polyphylla): Preventing peatland degradation and creating income by an endemic latex producing Tree of Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Brunei and Malaysia) 2016
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    A swamp jelutung plantation offers a sustainable alternative to commodities that require drainage (such as oil palm or Hevea rubber), as naturally wet peat does not oxidise. Also, drained peatland will in many cases end up becoming (semi-) permanently flooded and is not a long-term option, while undrained (or rewetted) peatland with swamp jelutung will remain operational in the long-term.

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