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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetJournée mondiale des sol, 5 décembre 2019: Verdissons le futur 2019World Soil Day 2019 will raise awareness on the importance of healthy soils with the slogan Stop soil erosion, Save our future, underlining how halting the alarming decline in fertile soils is not only about addressing food security and the achievement of the SDGs but also caring for our health, while nourishing the planet.
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetJournée mondiale des sol, 5 décembre 2019 2019La journée mondiale des sols 2019 vise à sensibiliser sur l’importance des sols sains avec le slogan «Empêchons l’érosion du sol, protégeons notre futur», en soulignant que stopper le déclin alarmant de la ressource en sols fertiles n’est pas seulement important pour la sécurité alimentaire et la réalisation des ODDs, mais aussi pour assurer notre bonne santé, tout en nourrissant la planète.
Poster, bannerJournée Mondiale des Sols 2020 - Maintenons les sols vivants, Protégeons la biodiversité des sols, 5 décembre 2020 2020World Soil Day is held annually on 5th December, this event focuses attention on the importance of healthy soils and advocating for the sustainable management of soil resources. FAO has supported the formal establishment of WSD as a global awareness-raising platform. Every year, the themes cover different aspects of soil and biodiversity that require attention. This year’s theme, ‘Keep soil alive, Protect soil biodiversity’ aims to establish awareness on soil biodiversity, the above ground and below ground organisms working to keep the soil healthy.
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