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    Namibia: Executive Summary of the Country Programming Framework for Namibia 2014-2018 2014
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    Summary. This Country Programme Framework (CPF) for Namibia, as agreed upon by the Government of the Republic of Namibia (GRN) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), covers a five year period from 2014 to 2018 in alignment with the Fourth National Development Plan and its related Sectoral Plans. The CPF is a need-based planning and management tool that establishes the manner in which FAO will support Namibia’s development priorities, drawing on its global experien ces and comparative advantage in areas within its mandate. Its timing is opportune as the Government of the Republic of Namibia committed itself towards accelerated economic growth, increased income quality; and sustained employment opportunities for its citizens.
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    FAO in partnerships for Caribbean food security
    Issue brief 8, April 2014
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    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is tasked with an ambitious mandate as outlined in its five new Strategic Objectives - to help eliminate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition; make agriculture, forestry and fisheries more productive and sustainable; reduce rural poverty; enable inclusive and efficient agricultural and food systems; increase the resilience of livelihoods to disasters. FAO recognizes that no single entity can undertake the mammoth task of eradicating hunger on its own and has placed partnerships at the very heart of its operations. Strategic partnerships are a critical means to achieving results allowing FAO to mobilize the best available knowledge and capacities in working toward common goals. Alongside natural alliances with other UN agencies, FAO welcomes the opportunity to work with bi-lateral donor agencies, development banks, regional organizations, civil society organizations, producers organizations and cooperatives, academic and re search institutions and the private sector. These relations are governed by strategic documents developed in 2013 to provide practical guidance to both FAO and its prospective partners to ensure the best possible outcomes.
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    Guidelines for assessing the management effectiveness of protected areas
    Conservation and Sustainable Management of Turkey’s Steppe Ecosystems Project – GCP/TUR/061/GFF
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    This set of Guidelines is aimed at protected area staff, conservation scientists, managers and stakeholders involved in the management of protected areas in Turkey. It provides substantial support to protected area planners, decisionmakers and managers, and staff of the MAF, helping them to assess and improve management effectiveness for protected areas and monitor regularly the management effectiveness of these unique and valuable sites. Protected areas are the cornerstone of biodiversity, habitat and ecosystem services conservation. However, unprecedented global losses due mainly to human activities are exerting pressure on these sites. Achieving long-term sustainability and the expected benefits of these areas requires effective management, a key to which is a well-prepared management plan. A second vital component for effective protected area management – in addition to legal and administrative regulations and management plans – is the availability of quantitatively and qualitatively equipped human resources. The third element necessary to ensuring that management and protection goals are achieved in a protected area is the establishment of participative opportunities and the integration of purposeful processes that include all relevant stakeholders. The mechanism for management effectiveness assessment evaluates the presence and efficiency of all of these aspects.

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