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The Benefit-sharing Fund: 2020–2021 report

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) Secretariat. 2022. The Benefit-sharing Fund Report 2020-2021. Rome, FAO

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    The Benefit-sharing Fund: 2022–2023 report 2023
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    Since its establishment in 2009, the Benefit-sharing Fund has supported 81 projects in 67 developing countries. In addition, a new portfolio of 28 projects are selected to start in the fifth cycle of the Fund. This report provides a summary of the main steps taken to approve the new portfolio, including an overview of the approved projects. It also gives an account of the main results and good practices arising from the implementation of ongoing projects and contains updates on relevant communication, governance and financial aspects. The report is intended to contribute to raising awareness among policymakers, donors and other relevant stakeholders on the dynamic nature of the funding modality, which supports the implementation of interventions and uses funds strategically to play a catalytic role in international cooperation in the area of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. More detailed reports describing the implementation progress in each funding cycle are provided to the Standing Committee on the Funding Strategy and Resource Mobilization of the International Treaty.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Sharing the benefits of plant genetic diversity: The Benefit-sharing Fund 2022
    Also available in:

    The Benefit-sharing Fund of the International Plant Treaty enables small-scale farmers to access a wide range of plant genetic resources that are adapted to their needs. As a result, farmers grow different types of crops and plant varieties that taste better and are more nutritious. The Fund promotes a more sustainable farming for farmers and the planet. This brochure shows the approach, achievements and impact of the Benefit-sharing Fund. It can be shared with a wide range of stakeholders that work with plant genetic diversity.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Access and benefit-sharing and genetic resources for food and agriculture: typology of country measures
    Supplement I
    The Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (Commission), at its Seventeenth Regular Session, requested to prepare a survey of existing legislative, administrative and policy approaches, including best practices, for access and benefit-sharing (ABS) for the different subsectors of genetic resources for food and agriculture (GRFA) and traditional knowledge associated with GRFA (TKGRFA) held by Indigenous Peoples and local communities, with the aim of identifying typical approaches and lessons learned from their implementation, as well as challenges and possible solutions. In response to the Commission’s request, a survey identifying the different types of legislative, administrative or policy measures countries have taken to accommodate the distinctive features of GRFA and subsectors of GRFA and of TKGRFA in their ABS measures was commissioned. At its Eighteenth Regular Session, the Commission, in considering the Survey, requested the preparation of a stand-alone document providing specific examples of existing country legislative, administrative or policy measures that directly or indirectly accommodate distinctive features of GRFA and associated traditional knowledge. This publication is Supplement I of the typology of ABS country measures reflecting the importance of GRFA, their special role for food security and their distinctive features.

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