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Book (stand-alone)Sustainable intensification of aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region
Documentation of successful practices
2016Also available in:
No results found.The publication is an important outputs of regional activity under the regional initiative on sustainable intensification of aquaculture for blue growth in Asia-Pacific. This publication is a very important information and knowledge product on sustainable intensification of aquaculture. The publication will greatly raise the awareness of stakeholders to existing good practices of sustainable intensification of aquaculture and their potential in contributing to sustainable growth of the industry for food security and nutrition, rural livelihood and overall social and economic development. The publication will disseminate the innovative practices of SIA and promote wide adoption of the innovative practices in the entire Asia-Pacific region. The publication contributes to Organizational Outcome 201 “Producers and natural resource managers adopt practices that increase and improve the provision of goods and services in agriculture sector production systems in a sustainable manner”–Output 2 0101 “Number of FAO-supported initiatives that used inclusive and participatory approaches to validate and facilitate uptake of innovative practices for sustainable agricultural production”. -
Book (stand-alone)Regional strategy and action plan for sustainable intensification of aquaculture in Asia-Pacific 2016
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No results found.This publication is the outcome of regional activity and the regional initiative on sustainable intensification of aquaculture for blue growth in Asia-Pacific so it contributes to the strategic objective 2. It will be important regional strategy document to support the concerted effort of member country governments and the regional /international organizations to support the sustainable growth of aquaculture in the region to contribute to food security, nutrition, and the livelihoods. -
Book (stand-alone)Science and technology for sustainable food security, nutritional adequacy, and poverty alleviation in the Asia-Pacific Region 2002
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No results found.Science and technology have played a vital role in keeping agricultural production a step ahead of rapid global population growth during the past four decades. However, Green Revolution technologies did not benefit the vast rainfed and other marginal areas with high concentrations of hunger and poverty. The new farming technologies were also not friendly to the environment, often resulting in degradation of land, water and biodiversity. The region needs to step up agricultural production by 80 p ercent by the year 2030 to meet its growing food needs. However, because there is very little room for expanding the area under farm cultivation most of this increase will need to come from making existing farmland more productive. This publication examines the agrobiophysical, socio-economic and environmental status of farming systems in Asia-Pacific and the role that science and technology will be called on to play in “breaking the unholy alliance of hunger, poverty and environmental degradati on”.
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