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ProjectStrengthening inter-institutional coordination for the mainstreaming of biodiversity conservation in national, regional and local public policies in Chile 2024
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No results found.Chile has highly endemic biodiversity and very diverse ecosystems, with the central and southern regions considered among the 35 biodiversity hotspots globally. The country has demonstrated a strong commitment to the conservation and sustainable use of its natural resources, but threats associated with anthropic pressure persist both inside and outside protected areas (PA), such as habitat loss due to productive activities, pollution, climate change with its droughts and fires, invasive alien species, among others. Consequently, a total of 766 species are threatened (critically endangered, endangered or vulnerable), critical ecosystems such as the sclerophyllous forest of the Mediterranean area increased their loss rate by 185% between 2014 and 2018, and 58% of fishery species are overexploited. In its efforts to control and mitigate these threats as well as comply with various international commitments, the country has declared more than 19 million hectares (20%) of the continental area and about 42% of the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) at sea under some form of protection, but in practice these areas have low management and enforcement power due to limited funding. -
Book (stand-alone)Report on the Regional Consultation on Enhancing Inter-ministerial Coordination for Strengthening Food Safety
RAP Publication 2015/07
2015Also available in:
No results found.A series of global food scares in recent years have raised doubts in the minds of many consumers about the safety of the food they buy. It is the role of governments to establish national food safety systems to ensure that food products are safe both for national consumption as well as for export. FAO has been advocating measures to ensure the safety and quality of foods based on common principles and guidelines established by international organizations relating to food standards, plant health , and veterinary public health and zoonoses. Strengthening such services and systems requires agreement among various ministries, departments and programmes. This publication reports on the regional consultation on enhancing inter-ministerial coordination for strengthening food safety held in Bangkok, Thailand from 1 to 3 April 2015. Recommendations, conclusions and steps forward are included. -
BookletRapid capacity assessment tool - Strengthening capacities to enhance responsible investment in agriculture and food systems 2021This rapid capacity assessment tool aims to help interested practitioners (such as government agencies, producer organizations, or development partners) to carry out a multi-stakeholder assessment of existing and needed capacities to enhance responsible investment in agriculture and food systems at country level. It is designed to support the application of the CFS Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (CFS-RAI Principles). The tool addresses the different systemic dimensions of capacity development and focuses on: the institutional set-up for agricultural investment-related policy processes; policies, laws and incentives of relevance to agricultural investments; organizations and services relevant to agricultural investments and; key change agents to promote responsible agricultural investments. The tool consists of a series of questions which ask groups to analyse their current national context and identify how to enhance, in their country, responsible investment in agriculture and food systems. Conducted through a multi-stakeholder workshop, this participatory process should be inclusive of all relevant stakeholders, with a particular focus on those underrepresented in the policy-making process: small-scale producers, women, youth and indigenous peoples (if applicable).
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