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Evaluation of the project "Emergency response and support to vulnerable populations in at-risk areas of Burkina Faso" - Phase I


Synthesis report

Management response (French only)

FAO. 2022Evaluation of the project “Emergency response and support to improve the resilience of vulnerable populations in at-risk areas of Burkina Faso” – Phase I. Project Evaluation Series, 01/2022. Rome. 

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Burkina Faso | Emergency response and support to improve the resilience of vulnerable populations in at-risk areas
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    In Burkina Faso, the 2017/18 agropastoral campaign was marked by food and biomass deficits, the effects of which were exacerbated by the fragile situation in the country. Since January 2019, insecurity has continued to worsen due to recurrent attacks perpetrated by non-state armed groups, triggering massive population displacements, thus exacerbating the vulnerability of communities further resulting in increased humanitarian needs and significant challenges for the country. Thanks to funding from Sweden, FAO is supporting 18 700 households through various activities (cash-based interventions, agricultural and livestock production support) in order to meet their immediate needs, while ensuring that the root causes of their vulnerability are addressed in order to reduce dependency on food aid.
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    Book (series)
    Évaluation du projet «Réponse d’urgence et d’appui à des populations vulnérables dans les zones à risque du Burkina Faso» - Phase I
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    Le projet «Réponse d’urgence et d’appui à des populations vulnérables dans les zones à risque du Burkina Faso» - Phase I, financé par l’Agence suédoise de coopération internationale au développement, est mis en œuvre par la FAO en partenariat avec le Gouvernement burkinabé sous la tutelle technique du Ministère de l’agriculture, des aménagements hydrauliques et de la mécanisation. L’objectif du projet est d’améliorer l’accès des ménages vulnérables à la nourriture et aux moyens de production. Cette première phase de l’évaluation a avant tout cherchè à améliorer la mise en œuvre du projet sur les mois qui lui restent et s’est penché plus particulièrement sur les résultats liés à la pertinence, l’efficacité et l’efficience du projet. La mise en œuvre de ses recommandations devrait permettre au projet et plus généralement à la FAO, au bureau de la FAO au Burkina Faso ainsi qu’au gouvernement de clore un projet ayant atteints ses objectifs.
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    Book (series)
    Evaluation of the project “Supporting emergency needs, early recovery and longer-term resilience in the Syrian Arab Republic’s agriculture sector 2017–2020"
    Project code: OSRO/SYR/708/UK
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    The project aimed to increase food availability for vulnerable households through improved smallholder production, build sustainable access to productive assets, income and food supply, and foster an enabling environment for resilience building and agriculture sector recovery. This is the first project of its kind for FAO Syrian Arab Republic, moving away from delivery of purely humanitarian support to implementation of more longer-term resilience building activities. It was an ambitious project combining humanitarian and resilience building activities. The operational context in which it was implemented was extremely challenging. FAO needs to consolidate its support to communities by selecting specific value chains and adopting an area-based approach in which multiple activities can be layered upon each other leading to more sustainable outcomes. In order to maintain its rightful leadership role of the Food Security Cluster, further investment is needed in coordination at the whole of the Syrian Arab Republic and hub levels.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Burkina Faso | Emergency response and support to improve the resilience of vulnerable populations in at-risk areas
    Also available in:

    In Burkina Faso, the 2017/18 agropastoral campaign was marked by food and biomass deficits, the effects of which were exacerbated by the fragile situation in the country. Since January 2019, insecurity has continued to worsen due to recurrent attacks perpetrated by non-state armed groups, triggering massive population displacements, thus exacerbating the vulnerability of communities further resulting in increased humanitarian needs and significant challenges for the country. Thanks to funding from Sweden, FAO is supporting 18 700 households through various activities (cash-based interventions, agricultural and livestock production support) in order to meet their immediate needs, while ensuring that the root causes of their vulnerability are addressed in order to reduce dependency on food aid.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (series)
    Évaluation du projet «Réponse d’urgence et d’appui à des populations vulnérables dans les zones à risque du Burkina Faso» - Phase I
    Also available in:

    Le projet «Réponse d’urgence et d’appui à des populations vulnérables dans les zones à risque du Burkina Faso» - Phase I, financé par l’Agence suédoise de coopération internationale au développement, est mis en œuvre par la FAO en partenariat avec le Gouvernement burkinabé sous la tutelle technique du Ministère de l’agriculture, des aménagements hydrauliques et de la mécanisation. L’objectif du projet est d’améliorer l’accès des ménages vulnérables à la nourriture et aux moyens de production. Cette première phase de l’évaluation a avant tout cherchè à améliorer la mise en œuvre du projet sur les mois qui lui restent et s’est penché plus particulièrement sur les résultats liés à la pertinence, l’efficacité et l’efficience du projet. La mise en œuvre de ses recommandations devrait permettre au projet et plus généralement à la FAO, au bureau de la FAO au Burkina Faso ainsi qu’au gouvernement de clore un projet ayant atteints ses objectifs.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (series)
    Evaluation of the project “Supporting emergency needs, early recovery and longer-term resilience in the Syrian Arab Republic’s agriculture sector 2017–2020"
    Project code: OSRO/SYR/708/UK
    Also available in:
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    The project aimed to increase food availability for vulnerable households through improved smallholder production, build sustainable access to productive assets, income and food supply, and foster an enabling environment for resilience building and agriculture sector recovery. This is the first project of its kind for FAO Syrian Arab Republic, moving away from delivery of purely humanitarian support to implementation of more longer-term resilience building activities. It was an ambitious project combining humanitarian and resilience building activities. The operational context in which it was implemented was extremely challenging. FAO needs to consolidate its support to communities by selecting specific value chains and adopting an area-based approach in which multiple activities can be layered upon each other leading to more sustainable outcomes. In order to maintain its rightful leadership role of the Food Security Cluster, further investment is needed in coordination at the whole of the Syrian Arab Republic and hub levels.

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