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Book (series)Evaluation of the project "Emergency response and support to vulnerable populations in at-risk areas of Burkina Faso" - Phase I
2022Also available in:
The project "Emergency response and support to vulnerable populations in at-risk areas of Burkina Faso" is financed by the Swedish International Development Agency. FAO implemented the project in partnership with the Government of Burkina Faso through the Ministry for Agriculture, Hydro-agricultural Development and Mechanisation. The project seeks to improve vulnerable populations’ access to food and to means of food production. This first phase of the evaluation focused on suggesting improvements to the project over the rest of its implementation period, and more particularly improvements as pertaining to relevance, efficiency and efficacy of the project. The implementation of these recommendations should allow the project and more generally FAO, the FAO Office in Burkina Faso and the Government, to close a project that has achieved its objectives -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetBurkina Faso | Réponse d’urgence et d’appui à l’amélioration de la résilience des populations vulnérables dans les zones à risque
septembre 2020
2020Also available in:
Au Burkina Faso, la campagne agropastorale 2017/18 a été marquée par un déficit vivrier et de biomasse dont les effets ont été exacerbés par la situation fragile dans le pays. En effet, depuis janvier 2019, l’insécurité continue de s’aggraver en raison d’attaques récurrentes perpétrées par des groupes armés non-étatiques qui engendrent des déplacements massifs de population, exacerbant ainsi la vulnérabilité des communautés et entraînant à nouveau d’immenses besoins humanitaires et des défis substantiels pour le pays. Grâce à un financement de la Suède, la FAO soutient 18 700 ménages à travers diverses activités (transferts monétaires, soutien à la production agricole et animale) afin de répondre à leurs besoins immédiats ainsi qu'aux causes finamentales de leur vulnérabilité pour réduire leur dépendance à l'aide alimentaire. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetBurkina Faso | Response overview October 2019 2019
Also available in:
Due to increased violence in Burkina Faso, agricultural activities have declined by 20 to 70 percent in crisis-affected areas where half of the land may not be cultivated compared to the 2017/18 agricultural season. The off-season, which begins in the coming weeks, represents an opportunity to significantly increase the food production of vulnerable families and promote their autonomy in order to avoid reliance on humanitarian assistance. FAO requires USD 11.6 million by December 2019 to assist 323 385 people through agricultural and livestock production during the off-season, allowing them not only to maintain their food stocks, but also to produce seeds to prepare for the next rainy season. -
Book (series)Evaluation of the project "Emergency response and support to vulnerable populations in at-risk areas of Burkina Faso" - Phase I
2022Also available in:
The project "Emergency response and support to vulnerable populations in at-risk areas of Burkina Faso" is financed by the Swedish International Development Agency. FAO implemented the project in partnership with the Government of Burkina Faso through the Ministry for Agriculture, Hydro-agricultural Development and Mechanisation. The project seeks to improve vulnerable populations’ access to food and to means of food production. This first phase of the evaluation focused on suggesting improvements to the project over the rest of its implementation period, and more particularly improvements as pertaining to relevance, efficiency and efficacy of the project. The implementation of these recommendations should allow the project and more generally FAO, the FAO Office in Burkina Faso and the Government, to close a project that has achieved its objectives -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetBurkina Faso | Réponse d’urgence et d’appui à l’amélioration de la résilience des populations vulnérables dans les zones à risque
septembre 2020
2020Also available in:
Au Burkina Faso, la campagne agropastorale 2017/18 a été marquée par un déficit vivrier et de biomasse dont les effets ont été exacerbés par la situation fragile dans le pays. En effet, depuis janvier 2019, l’insécurité continue de s’aggraver en raison d’attaques récurrentes perpétrées par des groupes armés non-étatiques qui engendrent des déplacements massifs de population, exacerbant ainsi la vulnérabilité des communautés et entraînant à nouveau d’immenses besoins humanitaires et des défis substantiels pour le pays. Grâce à un financement de la Suède, la FAO soutient 18 700 ménages à travers diverses activités (transferts monétaires, soutien à la production agricole et animale) afin de répondre à leurs besoins immédiats ainsi qu'aux causes finamentales de leur vulnérabilité pour réduire leur dépendance à l'aide alimentaire. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetBurkina Faso | Response overview October 2019 2019
Also available in:
Due to increased violence in Burkina Faso, agricultural activities have declined by 20 to 70 percent in crisis-affected areas where half of the land may not be cultivated compared to the 2017/18 agricultural season. The off-season, which begins in the coming weeks, represents an opportunity to significantly increase the food production of vulnerable families and promote their autonomy in order to avoid reliance on humanitarian assistance. FAO requires USD 11.6 million by December 2019 to assist 323 385 people through agricultural and livestock production during the off-season, allowing them not only to maintain their food stocks, but also to produce seeds to prepare for the next rainy season.
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