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El Niño impacts and policies for the fisheries sector

FAO. 2024. El Niño impacts and policies for the fisheries sector. FAO Innovation for Blue Transformation. Rome.

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    Book (stand-alone)
    El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) effects on fisheries and aquaculture 2020
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    This FAO Technical Paper synthesizes current knowledge on the impact of El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events on fisheries and aquaculture in the context of a changing climate. It describes the diversity of ENSO events (Chapter 2), ENSO forecasting (Chapter 3) and ENSO in the context of climate change (Chapter 4). It includes a global overview and regional assessment of ENSO impact (Chapters 5 and 6) and a focus on coral bleaching and damage to reefs and related fisheries (Chapter 7). Finally, it synthesizes the lessons learned and the perspectives for ENSO and preparedness in a warmer ocean (Chapter 10).
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Anticipating El Niño: A mitigation, preparedness and response plan 2023
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    FAO’s El Niño Mitigation, Preparedness and Response Plan is an urgent appeal to be implemented in close collaboration with government partners and other humanitarian actors in Somalia. The plan complements the 2023 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP), which focuses on drought recovery as the international community in Somalia seeks to support the 6.6 million people facing acute food insecurity due to drought and conflict. Within this context, FAO has identified a new threat to lives and livelihoods in the country in the form of a ‘Super El Niño’, the conjunction of two weather events that poses new challenges for Somalia in the coming months. The plan aims to save lives and help communities and institutions better absorb the impact of flooding on their livelihoods. The plan responds to four overarching priority needs in riverine communities and surrounding areas (1) early warning information, (2) flood defence infrastructure, (3) preparedness & coordination and (4) safeguarding livelihoods.
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    The Coping Strategies Index: A tool for rapidly measuring food security and the impact of food aid programs in emergencies
    FAO International Workshop on “Food Security in Complex Emergencies: building policy frameworks to address longer-term programming challenges” Tivoli, 23-25 September 2003
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    This paper looks at the Coping Strategies Index, which was developed by CARE to provide regular measurements for monitoring changes in food security and assessing the impact of food aid interventions in highly food insecure countries. The CSI is an indicator of household food security that is relatively simple and quick to use, straightfoward to understand and correlates well with more complex measures of food security.

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