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A study on tree species and crops of agroforestry according to ecological geographic map in North Korea

XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022

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    Increasing land cover by promoting agroforestry-based tree planting to sustain community livelihood under various social forestry schemes in Indonesia
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    The high challenges and expectations in the management of Indonesian Tropical Forests to achieve the community welfare, forest sustainability and sustainable development goals, demands proper management in optimizing the use of forest resources to meet the high dependence of community needs on the forest. The pressure on forests is reflected in the deforestation that occurs as an indication of the various dependencies of the community on forests to meet their daily needs. In this regard, Agroforestry is a potential silvicultural recipe as a solution to restore degraded land and forest that can gain balance ecological, economic and social benefits. This paper aims to provide information on plant growth performance and survival rate in the establishment of agroforestry plot for a total 34 hectares in three schemes of Social Forestry in Indonesia, namely Paru Village Forest (VF)–West Sumatra, Cempaka Forestry Partnership (FP)–Lampung, Tuar Tana Community Forestry (CF)– East Nusa Tenggara, in collaboration between Forestry and Environment Research, Development and Innovation Agency with the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO). It was conducted by planting 26 plant sp Intensive Artificial Regeneration with planting distance of 8x8 m and 5x5 m depend on plant species. The collected data covered for survival rate and height measurement. Growth Percentage was observed at ages 1, 6, 12 and 18 months after plan participation which looks high in maintaining their crops while survival rate in Tuar Tana CF was low enough only 43,2% due to the drough in this semi-arid region which affect the plant growth, eventhough the farmers have high effort in maintaining their crops. Keywords: Mixed Tree planting, Reforestation, Community Forestry, Village Forest, Forestry Partnership ID: 3486429
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    A study on the ecotourism cooperation using the forest cultural heritage in South and North Korea - Focusing on the Geumgangsan Yusan-gi (Geumgang mountain travels)
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Forest restoration and ecological protection in North Korea require a variety of approaches.
    This research focuses on the Geumgangsan Yusan-gi, a shared forest cultural heritage between the two Koreas, to find ways to collaborate with ecotourism.
    Is ecotourism a novel approach to Inter-Korean forest cooperation?
    What are the advantages and prospects of working together on ecotourism projects centered on the Geumgangsan Yusan-gi?
    To achieve the study's goal, North Korean literature data were reviewed and analyzed, and value models for ecotourism cooperation were investigated using content analysis of the Geumgangsan Yusan-gi.
    Inter-Korean forest cooperation has primarily focused on planting and management to prevent forest devastation in North Korea.
    Forest cooperation needs to develop into a scalable project that connects peace and tourism.
    Ecotourism has the potential to be a new model for inter-Korean forest cooperation.
    First, ecotourism cooperation pursues reciprocity.
    Second, ecotourism is a sustainable project different from one-time support.
    Third, ecotourism can be backed by the international community and promoted readily in the face of North Korean sanctions.
    Fourth, the ecotourism cooperation project is in line with the Kim Jong-un administration's current tourism policy.
    Fifth, the inter-Korean collaboration project based on the two Koreas' shared forest cultural legacy is a unique initiative rooted in Korea's history and tradition.
    The Geumgangsan Yusan-gi can promote ecotourism cooperation, such as joint inter-Korean investigation and program development and operation.
    To become a reality rather than a pipe dream, this proposal must overcome some obstacles, including the US and international community sanctions against North Korea.
    Civil society organizations, such as forests and environmental organizations, play an important role in peace initiatives such as ecotourism and forest cooperation. Keywords: Deforestation and forest degradation, Biodiversity conservation, Education, Human health and well-being, Sustainable forest management ID: 3622982
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    Agroforestry systems: Conservation of biodiversity in Bahia - Brazil
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Biodiversity agroforestry systems are characterized as an integrated land use model for the purpose of forest, agricultural and livestock production for family subsistence, strategic systems for restoration and conservation of degraded environments. These provide a variety of environmental services that directly or indirectly promote benefits to humans and the environment. In Brazil, studies on agroforestry systems are currently focused on technical, biological and social rather than economic aspects. Faced with the intensification of agriculture, agroforestry systems represent a possible solution to obtain continuous production, combining conservation practices and improving the use of natural resources, within the premises of sustainability. This study aimed to evaluate the multi-tiered commercial agroforestry systems of family farmers in an area of Atlantic Forest in the Bahia state - Brazil, identifying the plant species and their uses. The species of greatest interest to family farmers were cataloged and through a floristic inventory, productive agroforestry systems were evaluated 118 species were identified (68.4% food, 14.5% medicinal, 13.2% wood). The values of the effect on the support service showed that biodiverse agroforestry systems do not significantly differ from the preserved forests. The analysis of the application of the principles of ecologically based agriculture made it possible to assess the existence of a productive differentiation and to verify that the growing diversification of production ensured a greater number of principles of ecologically based agriculture applied in the day-to-day activities of productive activities, thus safes play an important role in the food security of family farmers. The results found bring practical implications for the discussion of those production models on the restoration of ecological processes in the Atlantic Forest and the role they can play at the multifunctional landscapes of rural properties. Keywords: Agroforest systems, agroecological principles, tree species, biodiversity, family agriculture. ID: 3488444

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