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Bitternut hickory (Carya cordiformis(Wangenh) K. Koch), a successful non-native tree species in the north-west of Romania

XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022

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    Collection and characterization of native plant seeds for forest restoration
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    The global seed industry is worth 51 trillion won, and the Korean seed industry is 800 billion won. Among them, the seed industry in the forest sector accounts for 2.5% of the total, but information on plants used for forest restoration is insufficient. Currently, the supply of seeds for plant material for forest restoration is insufficient. However, the number of important plant seeds being imported continues to grow. Therefore, a lot of research and development of the forest restoration material industry are needed to secure the seeds of native plants for forest restoration. In particular, for systematic seed production and supply, a species selection strategy and seed germination characteristics analysis are required for plant material for forest restoration. This study was carried out in accordance with the 'Notice on the Supply of Native Plants and Natural Materials for Forest Restoration (20.09.07; Korea Forest Service). We collected native plant seeds to restore damaged forests and conducted a characterization study on the collected species. As a result of seed collection, 138 points of 49 species were collected from Jeollanam-do, Gyeongsangnam-do, and Jeju. Among them, 5 gymnosperms and 133 angiosperms were included. Voucher specimens and image data information of the collected species were accumulated. As a result of seed characterization, Quercus acuta Thunb. and Carpinus turczaninowii Hance. showed a lot of abortive grains, but most showed high full seed rate. According to the results of the tetrazolium test, most species except for Quercus acuta Thunb, Machilus thunbergii S. et Z. and Carpinus turczaninowii Hance had vitality. In particular, Mallotus japonicus (L.f.) Müll.Arg. and Raphiolepis indica var. umbellate showed the highest vitality as both the full seed rate and germination rate were over 50%. This study will be useful as data for collecting native plant resources and establishing a seed supply system for restoration of damaged forests. Keywords: Biodiversity conservation ID: 3623076
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    Establishment of seed zones based on native plant species
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Since forest ecosystems constitute a complex ecosystem, the health of the ecosystem must be maintained. Seed zones are areas of relative climatic similarity, and movement of seeds within them should help minimize maladaptation. This study intends to build Korean seed zones by applying the US seed zone construction method.In the United States, winter minimum temperature and annual heat: moisture index (AH:M; aridity) were used to construct seed zones. Climate data for the entire Korean Peninsula was provided by Worldclim. Winter minimum temperature was determined as the minimum value per cell from December through February and was classified into 5°F (2.2°C) bands ranging from <-15° to >35°F (-26.1 to 1.6°C). The AH:M data is average temperature (°C) plus 15°C (to obtain positive values) divided by precipitation in meters. The AH:M map was divided into six discrete classes (<–16, 16–19, 19–21, 21–24, 24–27, >27). Korean provisional seed zones of 65 climatic zones were formed by overlapping both maps. Five native plant species were selected to test correspondence with the provisional seed zones. For Pine(Pinus Densiflora), Oak(Quercus acutissima), Oyster oak(Quercus variabilis), the winter minimum temperature of 15– 20°F and the AH:M of 19–21 and 21–24°C/m accounted for 37%, 43%, and 34%, respectively. Due to the latent habitat area of fern wood(Acer pictum subsp. mono), the Maxent AUC was 0.844, showing a high fit. The winter minimum temperature of 20–25°F and AH:M of 16–19°C/m accounted for 42%. Due to the latent habitat of hornbeam(Carpinus tschonoskii), Maxent AUC was 0.930, showing high accuracy. The winter minimum temperature of 25–30°F and AH:M of <16°C/m occupied 33%. In this study, provisional Korean seed zones were established and their association with five native plant species was identified. This study will be used to define initial seed zones and identify seed zones inhabiting similar climatic zones. Keywords: Provisional seed zones; Climate variables; Ecosystem; MaxEnt; Korean Peninsula ID: 3623161
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    Review of sustainable Korea’s oak tree resource management model for cultivation of oak mushroom
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Oak mushroom is one of the most popular edible mushrooms in Asia, including Korea, China, and Japan. It has been grown by log cultivation method using oak tree species in Korea since the 1950s. However, the decades of reckless deforestation of oak trees for oak mushroom grow has recently led to the need for protection in Korea's forests to prevent oak resource depletion. As of 2019, there were 3,764 log cultivation farms in Korea and the total amount of oak mushroom log was 39 million. Average cultivation period is 3 years and 12 million oak logs are needed every year. According to a survey of shiitake growers, 87.3% of the respondents said that the most preferred species were Sawtooth oak(Quercus acutissima Carruth), and the most preferred diameter was 16 to 20cm, with 43%. The distribution status of oak trees across the country was found to be 1.44 million hectares with growing stock of 160 million m3, and the preferred Sawtooth oak was 91,370 hectares with growing stock of 10 million m3. When oak trees which are between 20 and 30cm in diameter at breast height are cut, they are the most effective use of resources, the available quantity for log cultivation was 8 to 11. However, if the diameter at breast height exceeds 30cm, the available quantity decreases. The number of Sawtooth oak trees that can be produced as logs for oak mushroom cultivation is 321 million, and the annual actual demand is 12 million, so the supply is sufficiently sustainable in the future. However, in the actual field, there are many restrictions on the use, such as the location accessibility, possibility of collecting felled trees, and possibility of using oak mushroom cultivation. It is expected to continuously produce Sawtooth oak logs for shiitake cultivation every 15 to 20 years due to its rapid growth compared to planted land, if the area where more thanv 1,200 oak trees are distributed per 1 hectares is harvested and then maintained through reproduction by sprout. Keywords: Sustainable forest management, Agriculture, Deforestation and forest degradation, Food systems, Research ID: 3622504

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