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Adapting to rising temperatures: farm practices and policy options in Uganda

FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 34

The findings in this brief have been adapted from the FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 21-02 Adapting to high temperatures: evidence on the impacts of sustainable agricultural practices in Uganda

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    Book (series)
    Adapting to high temperatures: evidence on the impacts of sustainable agricultural practices in Uganda 2021
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    Rising temperatures due to climate change pose a significant threat to agricultural systems and the livelihoods of farmers across the globe. Identifying farm management strategies that reduce sensitivity to high temperatures is, therefore, critical for moderating the adverse effects of climate change. In this paper, we use spatially granular climate data merged with four waves of household survey data in Uganda to examine empirically the relationships between high temperatures, agricultural production outcomes, and the adoption (including its duration) of three sustainable agricultural practices (organic fertilizer adoption, banana-coffee intercropping and cereal-legume intercropping). We do this using a fixed-effect model, with instrumental variables to address potential endogeneity issues. Our findings indicate that, while exposure to high temperature does reduce farmers’ crop income, the adoption of these practices can offset the negative impact of high temperatures on such income. Indeed, we show that the benefits of adopting these practices on the total value of crop production increases monotonically astemperatures increase from their long-term averages. Moreover, the number of years a farmer adopts a practice is associated with higher total value of crop production, and this relationship holds across the full distribution of observed high temperature deviations. Taken together, the results suggest that organic fertilizer adoption, banana-coffee intercropping and cereal-legume intercropping are effective options to adapt to rising temperatures in Uganda, and these benefits increase with the duration of adoption. Adaptation policies and programmes must therefore be designed in ways that help farmers overcome initial barriers to adoption of these practices, as well as to support farmers to sustain adoption over time. This may require longer term funding horizons for adaptation programmes, and innovative support mechanisms to incentivize sustained adoption.
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    Strengthening agriculture adaptation to climate change in Uganda - GCP/UGA/041/EC 2017
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    Uganda is greatly affected by climate change. This manifests through drought, floods and landslides, which have increased over the past decades, especially drought. The country’s economy and the well-being of the population are intricately linked to the natural environment, and therefore highly vulnerable to climate change. Against this background, it was necessary to strengthen the resilience of rural populations, cattle keepers and agricultural production systems, and build the capacities of c ommunities, commercial farmers and the Government of Uganda to cope with climate change.
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    Book (series)
    Public expenditure analysis for climate change adaptation and mitigation in the agricultural sector – A case study of Uganda 2021
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    This paper presents a methodology for public expenditure review and analysis for climate change adaptation and mitigation in the agricultural sector. It outlines the basic methodological concepts, including the classification of public expenditures in the context of their links to climate change adaptation and mitigation. It also illustrates how such analysis can usefully contribute to policy decision making to better achieve the climate change adaptation and mitigation goals using the case study of Uganda. The proposed classification allows for analysing the level and the composition of public expenditures that influence adaptation capacity of the sector to climate change, and actions that increase or decrease greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in agriculture. This, in turn, allows for assessing whether the sector is stimulated in a way that allows achieving a country’s climate change adaptation and mitigation objectives and form a basis for further evaluation of the effectiveness of individual measures in reaching these objectives.

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