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FAO in Viet Nam - Update 2023

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    FAO Viet Nam in action, 2023
    Partnering for the transformation to more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems
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    FAO Viet Nam in Action 2023 highlights the FAO country team's impacts and achievements in 2023. Through delivering transformational projects and impactful change, FAO is supporting Viet Nam’s journey to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, targets set out in the Country Programme Framework as well as a sustainable agrifood systems transformation. This action is presented through the lens of FAO’s “Four Betters” and reflected in reports of country team activities, human interest stories, flagship initiatives and key events throughout the year in partnership with the Government of Viet Nam, donors and other key stakeholders.
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    Transformation to more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems / التحول إلى أنظمة غذائية زراعية أكثر كفاءة وشمولية ومرونة واستدامة 2023
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    The project’s overall aim is to contribute to the sustainable achievement of food security among rural Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanian hosts, by enhancing their capacity to successfully participate in efficient sustainable Agri-food systems and building their capacities for decent work opportunities as well as advocating for food waste reduction which has a profound effect on sustainbility,food security and rural development through training sessions. As such the project will address the capacity building, assets, financing, and employment needs of the targeted beneficiaries, through a series of activities related to capacity enhancement, asset distribution, access to micro-financing, access to markets, and job creation. The reader of this factsheet will be able to have an overall idea about the project's objectives, impact, activities and outputs in both English and Arabic. يهدف المشروع الى المساهمة في تحقيق الأمن الغذائي بشكل مستدام بين اللاجئين السوريين والمجتمعات الأردنية المضيفة في الريف من خلال تعزيز قدرتهم على المشاركة بنجاح في أنظمة الأغذية الزراعية المستدامة الفعالة وبناء قدراتهم من خلال برنامج تدريبي متكامل لخلق فرص عمل لائقة وكذلك الدعوة إلى الحد من هدر الاغذية والذي له تأثير عميق على الاستدامة والأمن الغذائي والتنمية الريفية. على هذا النحو، سيعالج المشروع احتياجات بناء القدرات والتمويل والتوظيف للمستفيدين، من خلال سلسلة من الأنشطة المتعلقة بتعزيز القدرات وتوزيع الأدوات والوصول إلى التمويل الصغير و إلى الأسواق وخلق فرص العمل. سيتمكن القارئ من تكوين فكرة شاملة عن أهداف المشروع وتأثيره وأنشطته ومخرجاته باللغتين الإنجليزية والعربية.
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    FAO–Global Environment Facility Türkiye Programme 2023
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    The FAO–GEF Türkiye Programme, which receives funding from the Global Environmental Facility and the Government of Türkiye, offers essential assistance in various areas. These include the sustainable management of forests, land, and water resources, biodiversity conservation through agroecology practices, nature-based solutions, and climate-smart agriculture. The programme aims to boost food and nutrition security while also improving livelihoods. Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the FAO–GEF Türkiye Programme embraces inclusivity and sustainability, with a particular focus on empowering women and youth for rural development and resilience. It addresses the challenges of poverty, climate change, biodiversity loss, and desertification. Türkiye strongly supports the vision of FAO and the four betters: better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life, in order to transform sustainable food systems which are key elements to achieve the SDGs. This insightful provides detailed information about the collaborative efforts between FAO and Türkiye.

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