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气候智慧型农业: 肯尼亚农业推广机构培训手册

粮农组织和中国农业出版社。2021。《气候智慧型农业:肯尼亚农业推广机构培训手册》。 中国北京。

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    Climate-Smart Agriculture
    Training manual for agricultural extension agents in Kenya
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    The effects of climate change and climate variability on agriculture pose the greatest challenge for Kenya to realize its Vision 2030 and other agricultural strategies. Agriculture is sensitive and highly vulnerable to climate change/variability, whose effects are already being experienced in life threatening ways. Given the high dependency on rain-fed agriculture, people and communities whose livelihoods is conditional on agricultural sector are at higher risk of climatic extremes. This manual has been prepared to assist agricultural extension officers and community leaders in disseminating a list of Climate-Smart Agriculture practices. These set of practices when implemented in an integrated approach should ensure increased production and profitability, enhance resilience and adaptation to climate change effects but also promote low greenhouse gas emission. Though the list of practices are not exhaustive, the manual attempt to demonstrate possible effective combination of practices that are suitable for most of the Kenyan farming systems and which simultaneously achieve a farming approach that is productive, adaptive and with opportunities for carbon sinks. Each chapter describes a Climate-Smart Agriculture practice and tries to respond to the three questions of proposed technologies i.e. What?, Why? and How? The format of writing was intended to make it easy for the users to be able to apply the synergistic implementation of selected practices. This manual will be complemented by other manuals and policy guidelines prepared by FAO and the Government of Kenya to support policy makers in integrating climate change concerns in other development areas while achieving food and nutrition security
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    气候智慧型农业是应对全球气候变化背景下的一种新型农业发展模式,强调把实现农业生产力的可持续提高与消除贫困、提高农业对气候变化的适应能力、减少温室气体排放与增强农业生产系统固碳能力协调统一。2010年在海牙召开的“全球农业、粮食安全和气候变化会议” 上,联合国粮农组织(粮农组织)首次提出了“气候智慧型农业”概念,并一直致力于与多方合作在全球推广其应用。发展气候智慧型农业有力支撑中国在2030年前实现“碳达峰”2060年前实现“碳中和”的目标。本出版物介绍了中国气候智慧型农业的发展并提供政策建议,包括四部分:中国气候智慧型农业背景和发展现状;中国气候智慧型农业的实践和成果,包括对全球环境基金(GEF)资助的中国气候智慧型主粮生产项目等案例研究;中国气候智慧型农业面临的机遇和挑战;以及中国气候智慧型农业的政策与投资建议。中国需要加强与国际组织合作,探索创新、高效、韧性和可持续的气候适应技术以实现农业粮食体系转型。 本出版物是粮农组织投资中心“知识促进投资”(K4I)计划下的“国别投资要闻”出版物丛书的其中一部。

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