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Building Capacities and Facilitating Enabling Environment for Contract Farming in Lesotho - TCP/LES/3801

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    Capacity Building to Access and Re-Invest REDD+ Results Proceeds towards Achieving PNG’s NDC - TCP/PNG/3801 2022
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    Tackling climate change has long been at the forefront of Papua New Guinea’s national agenda, as evidenced by the country’s signing and ratification of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ( in 1992 and 1993 respectively, its signing and ratification of the Kyoto Protocol in 1999 and 2002 and its participation in the process of drafting, adopting, ratifying and operationalizing the Paris Agreement In addition, Papua New Guinea has advocated for the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries ( framework, submitting its Forest Reference Level in 2017 and including the results in its 2019 Biennial Update Report ( Reducing deforestation and promoting conservation as a means of bringing down emissions levels are critical to Papua New Guinea’s climate change mitigation agenda which is based on its Nationally Determined Contributions ( Funding is required for the country to achieve these goals, so this Technical Cooperation Programme ( project was formulated to build national capacities to access climate financing through a pilot programme of the Green Climate Fund ( that provides results based payments ( for emissions reductions In addition to building the capacities of the Climate Change and Development Authority ( the project aimed to develop a REDD+ RBP funding proposal to be submitted to the GCF for consideration.
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    Promoting Accelerated Green Investment in Agriculture through Capacity Building Of National Financial Institutions (RKDF) - TCP/KYR/3805 2024
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    Kyrgyzstan agriculture helped minimize the economic decline in living standards during the years of transition, but the sector still has a huge untapped potential that has been ignored to achieve structural reform, productivity growth and poverty reduction. Kyrgyzstan has been left behind, not only among Central Asia countries (from four to ten times lower income than the average), but also as part of the Lower-Middle Income Countries (1.5 times). The country faces numerous obstacles, such as inefficient use of water and land resources, weak extension systems, fragmented agricultural value chains, poor transport and logistics linkages and environmental disasters. In order to boost all its potential, the sector would need a strong political commitment, an enabling macroeconomic environment, and strengthened capacities of actors and institutions involved in agriculture.
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    Boosting Family Farming Capacities in Angola - UTF/ANG/069/ANG 2024
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    The Agro-PRODESI project aimed to contribute to the Government of Angola’s goal of increasing domestic production by 25 percent by 2022, in particular by boosting the prioritized value chains and fostering links between key market players and small farmers along the selected economic growth corridors (EGCs) – hubs in which agribusiness takes place. The project was expected to ensure inclusive and sustainable partnerships, leveraged through the implementation of a national and territorial programme for agribusiness capacity-building and the development of agrifood value chains. This was to be achieved through three main outputs: (i) strengthened capacities of key actors at national and local levels on inclusive and sustainable agrifood value chains in EGCs, (ii) improved financial capacity of agribusiness actors (e.g. cooperatives and farmers’ associations) and incubators (youth and women) through training, mentoring, networking and knowledge exchange, (iii) accelerating the capacity of cooperative agro-entrepreneurs in Angola by strengthening INAPEM’s institutional capacity.

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