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Expert Workshop on the Improvement of Seed Supply for Small-Scale Inland Aquaculture - Prospectus and Agenda

Szarvas, Hungary, 27-28 March 2024

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    Book (series)
    Assessment of freshwater fish seed resources for sustainable aquaculture 2007
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    Four of the most important resources to aquaculture, outside human and technological resources, are land, water, seed and feed. Efficient use of these resources is necessary to guarantee optimum production from aquaculture. A project, Study and Analysis of Seed Production in Small-scale Rural Aquaculture, was implemented through a desk study and expert workshop (held in Wuxi, China from 23 to 26 March 2006) to assess the status of freshwater fish seed resources and supply and its contribution to sustainable aquatic production the results of which are contained in this two-part publication. Part 1 contains the proceedings and major recommendations of the expert workshop which tackled three major themes: (a) seed quality, genetics, technology and certification; (b) seed networking, distribution, entrepreneurship and certification; and (c) how rural fish farmers can benefit from the freshwater aquaseed sector. Part 2 contains the detailed outcomes of the desk study c onsisting of three regional syntheses (Africa, Asia and Latin America) based on 21 country case studies, five thematic reviews (quality, genetics and breeding, seed networks and entrepreneurship, seed supply in rural aquaculture, farmer innovations and women involvement) and three papers (self-recruiting species, decentralized seed networking in Bangladesh and the establishment of national broodstock centres in Viet Nam).
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    Book (series)
    Report of the Expert Workshop on local alternative ingredients, aquafeed supply and feeding management, Abbassa, Egypt, 3–5 December 2023 2024
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    This report summarizes the proceedings and outcomes of the “Expert workshop on local alternative ingredients, aquafeed supply and feeding management” convened in Abbassa, Egypt, from 3 to 5 December 2023. The workshop brought together acknowledged aquafeed experts from African countries, governmental agencies, universities, development organizations, private industry and farmers. The workshop was jointly organized by the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Division (NFI) and WorldFish Egypt and hosted by the WorldFish Centre in Abbassa, Egypt. The workshop objectives were to: i) exchange and share knowledge of the use of local alternative ingredients, aquafeed supply and feeding management; ii) showcase technological advances and innovations in local alternative ingredients, aquafeed supply and feeding management; iii) identify country-specific challenges and issues in local alternative ingredients, aquafeed supply and feeding management; iv) identify national and regional needs for technical assistance and capacity building on local alternative ingredients, aquafeed supply and feeding management; and v) recommend strategies to address identified development priorities, knowledge products on local alternative ingredients, aquafeed supply and feeding management. The workshop was divided into an overview, country presentations, technical and producer sessions. The country presentation session included presentations from Cameroon, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, United Republic of Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. The farmers’ experiences were presented by small farmers from Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria and Sierra Leone and experiences from Egyptian aquafeed industries. Following a general plenary discussion, the participants identified seven primary issues that currently constrain aquafeed production and feeding management in African aquaculture, namely: i) limited access to information on alternative feed ingredients (availability and accessibility); ii) poor feed preparation, processing, handling and storage at the farm level; iii) inadequate monitoring of on-farm feeding and farm performances; iv) inadequate investment and operating capitals for small-scale feed producers and farmers; v) inadequate knowledge and skills of farmers and extension workers in improved farm-made feed production, feeding management and farm performances; vi) poor feed quality and availability; and vii) lack of appropriate legal and policy frameworks required for sustainable aquaculture development including quality aquafeed manufacturing. Recommendations were proposed and classified under four categories: i) governance, ii) research and development, iii) capacity building, and iv) value chain.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Seed policy and programmes for the Central and Eastern European Countries, Commonwealth of Independent States and other Countries in Transition 2001
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    This publication presents the Proceedings of the Regional Technical Meeting on Seed Policy and Programmes for the Central and Eastern European Countries, Commonwealth of Independent States and other Countries in Transition, held in Budapest, Hungary from 6 to 10 March 2001. The meeting was organized and implemented by the Agricultural Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Martonvásár, Hungary, in close collaboration with FAO's Seed and Plant Genetic Resources Service. In line with the Rome Declaration on World Food Security and the World Food Summit Plan of Action, the meeting recognized that one of the major challenges facing most countries in the region is the need to invest significant resources in strenghtening

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