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Information for Nutrition Food Security and Resilience for Decision Making (INFORMED)

FAO and European Union Technical Support for Food and Nutrition Security and Resilience Analysis

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    Evaluation of the Information on Nutrition, Food Security and Resilience for Decision Making (INFORMED) Programme
    Project code: GCP/INT/245/EC - Management Response
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    Evaluation of the Information on Nutrition, Food Security and Resilience for Decision Making (INFORMED) Programme
    Project code: GCP/INT/245/EC
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    The INFORMED programme, implemented by FAO from 2015 to 2019, was designed to contribute to “increasing the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises and contributing to the reduction of food insecurity and malnutrition”. The programme’s increased focused on Early Warning for Early Action (EWEA) was very relevant to fill existing gaps with a comparative advantage for FAO in slow onset and food chain crises contexts. Promoting the use of pre-agreed plans and pre-identified anticipatory actions, the project effectively improved risk analysis and decision making, including through the Global Report on Food Crises, and increased access to appropriate financing instruments, while the EWEA country toolkit initial positive spinoffs remain to be built on. Efforts to support resilience measurement and analyses by applying the resilience index measurement and analysis (RIMA) methodology are relevant given the significant investments in resilience programming and the continuing methodological gaps. However, although RIMA provides a basis for creating evidence on resilience investments, and FAO has been an important pioneer in resilience measurement, a wider system supporting resilience analysis is needed, based on a range of methodologies, responding to the information needs of decision-makers. Also, RIMA baseline lacks sufficient detail to allow articulating the feasibility of possible response options and have a practical impact on planning decisions; it has not demonstrated its added value over pre-existing food security, nutrition and risk indicators to help target interventions, and is not well adapted as an impact evaluation tool. Assessing INFORMED results against its intention to support knowledge production and sharing, to promote the replication of good practices and circular learning, the evaluation questioned the choice of creating a new knowledge management platform versus adopting a collaborative approach building on similar initiatives’ strengths. Poor strategic choices represented a fundamental constraint to reach intended objectives, such as, an insufficient understanding of users explaining the difficulty to trace the uptake and use of knowledge products. Nevertheless, the evaluation recognized the progressive investments in knowledge management and sizeable accomplishments of a relatively small team. The evaluation suggests strengthening capacities for the production and dissemination of forecast, scenario-based early warning as a basis for early action; developing a corporate strategy for partnering to strengthen early warning system capacities at various levels; promoting the use of a toolkit of approaches and investing in a knowledge management function dedicated to capturing and disseminating lessons on the effectiveness of EWEA and resilience interventions.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Food and Nutrition Security Impact, Resilience, Sustainability and Transformation (FIRST) 2015
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    This brief explains the FIRST programme, an outcome of the partnership between FAO and the EU. The main purpose of the FIRST programme is to strengthen the enabling environment for food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture in selected priority countries/regional organisations. FIRST will primarily focus on the provision of policy assistance and capacity development support at country level. However, support may also be given to regional organizations involved in relevant regional/c ontinental policy processes that have concrete relevance to national FNSSA policies, i.e. because of the inter-country nature of some of the policy issues and/or because of direct involvement of the regional organization in supporting national policy processes.

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