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Forest Monitoring and Assessment for Climate Change Reporting: Partnerships, Capacity Building and Delivery

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    From reference levels to results reporting – REDD+ under the UNFCCC 2017
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    For well over a decade, developing countries have been encouraged to undertake activities in their forest sectors that are designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while also working to conserve, enhance and sustainably manage forest carbon stocks. These activities are known collectively as Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD+), which was established under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This publicatio n provides a status report on progress and achievements related to the MRV of REDD+ activities, as well as an update on activities related to countries’ submissions of their Forest Reference (Emission) Levels (FRELs/FRLs). The report also summarizes experiences with the technical assessment process, as of early 2017, and offers an overview of initial REDD+ results reporting and technical analyses of those reports. Highlights of this report include measures that show a strong uptake of FREL/FRLs among tropical forest countries. FREL/FRLs which have already been submitted involve many of the countries with the largest forest areas, and cover vast amounts of emissions from their forest sectors. There is also progress in areas that are not as easy to quantify: for example, an unprecedented level of transparency has been achieved concerning countries’ forest-sector data and information, thanks to data reporting in the context of REDD+.
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    Forest assessment and monitoring 2002
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    The Global Forest Resources Assessment 2000 (FRA 2000) is now completed, but work has already begun on the next global assessment. The expert consultation "Global Forest Resources Assessments - Linking National and International Efforts", known as Kotka IV, brought together international experts in July 2002 to address future concepts and strategies. The articles in this issue of Unasylva are adapted for a wider audience from papers prepared for the meeting. Without going into technical detail, they explore links among assessment and monitoring, national and international information needs, criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management, and reporting of forest-related information to international instruments. The technical details can be found on the FAO Web site ( and will be published in the Kotka IV proceedings.
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    Technological innovation driving transparent forest monitoring and reporting for climate action 2024
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    This paper reviews how countries are benefiting from technical innovations in their monitoring and reporting of forest-related emissions and removals to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).Forests play an important role in climate action. They are often mentioned in nationally determined contributions (NDCs) with targets conditional on international climate finance. Despite countries reporting forest-related emission reductions (ERs) of 14.0 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) to the UNFCCC, results-based finance for ERs has been limited. Nonetheless, more robust estimation methods have increasingly enabled accessing new sources of climate finance, including from the private sector. As such, technological solutions and capacity development for ER reporting can act as an engine that enables better resource management and improved access to climate finance.There has been enormous technological progress over the last decade, allowing increasingly robust forest dynamic assessments. Recent UNFCCC reference level submissions reveal an increased use of satellite imagery with higher spatial and temporal resolution: initial submissions relied entirely on Landsat imagery; after 2022, 100 percent used Sentinel and 50 percent used Planet imagery. Open source solutions are widely used by countries: 89 percent of countries reporting a reference level to the UNFCCC have used Open Foris, a set of free and open source solutions and platforms developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) for accessing and analysing data. Improvements in forest monitoring are crucial to better understand forests’ contribution to climate change mitigation and unlock climate finance.

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