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An appraisal of the suitability of the CITES criteria for listing commercially-exploited aquatic species.

FAO. An appraisal of the suitability of the CITES criteria for listing commerciallyexploited aquatic species. FAO Fisheries Circular. No. 954. Rome, FAO. 2000. 66p.

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    Book (series)
    Report of the second Technical Consultation on the Suitability of the CITES Criteria for Listing Commercially-exploited Aquatic Species / Rapport de la deuxième Consultation technique sur la pertinence des critères d’établissement de la liste des espèces aquatiques faisant l’objet d’une exploitation commerciale au titre de la CITES / Informe de la segunda Consulta Técnica sobre la Idoneidad de los Criterios de la CITES para la Lista de Especies Acuáticas Explotadas Comercialmente 2002
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    The Second Technical Consultation on the Suitability of the CITES Criteria for Listing Commercially-exploited Aquatic Species was held in Windhoek, Namibia, from 22 to 25 October 2001. The Consultation reviewed a draft report prepared by the FAO Secretariat entitled "A Background Analysis and Framework for Evaluating the Status of Commercially-exploited Aquatic Species in a CITES Context" and went on to formulate a proposal on revisions of the CITES listing criteria and process for listin g. This proposal, for consideration by the COFI Sub-Committee on Fish Trade for formal submission to CITES, was written in the form of specific responses to CITES Notification to the Parties No. 2001/037 of 31 May 2001. The Consultation also emphasized the principle of using the best scientific information available in each proposal for listing. It agreed that the existing process within CITES for scientific evaluation of proposals for listing, transfer and de-listing should be strengthen ed and that there should be more explicit involvement in evaluation of proposals of fisheries agencies and regional fisheries management organizations, and a greater role for FAO.
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    Report of the FAO Workshop to review the application of CITES criterion Annex 2 a B to commercially-exploited aquatic species. Rome, 19-21 April 2011. 2011
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    The FAO Workshop to review the application of CITES criterion Annex 2 a B to commercially-exploited aquatic species was held in Rome from 19 to 21 April 2011. It was attended by eight independent experts and five FAO Officers. The Workshop was convened by FAO in response to a request by the 15th Conference of the Parties in 2010 to prepare a report that summarized the experience in applying the CITES Resolution Conf. 9.24 (Rev. CoP15) Annex 2 a B criterion and the introductory text to Annex 2 a to some or all the commercially-exploited proposed for inclusion on Appendix II at the 13th, 14th and 15th meetings of the Conference of the Parties, highlighting any technical difficulties or ambiguous issues encountered. The Workshop analysed the approaches used by the FAO Expert Advisory Panel in applying the criteria described in both paragraphs (A and B) of Annex 2 a. The Workshop noted that the biological information provided by proposals to list commercially exploite d aquatic species under CITES Appendix II was usually adequate. While the quantitative indicators provided by the proponents were mostly reliable, not all of them were used appropriately in the proposals (e.g. landings used as proxy for abundance). The Workshop also considered instances where the FAO Expert Advisory Panel was able to access additional information not included in the proposals and examples of data-poor species for which the FAO Expert Advisory Panel made flexible use of qualitative indicators. In conclusion, the FAO view that for both paragraphs of Annex 2 a the definitions, explanations and guidelines in Annex 5 of the Resolution Conf. 9.24 (Rev. CoP15) apply was endorsed by the Workshop. In addition, the Workshop recommended that the distinction made by the CITES Secretariat between the terms ¿decline¿ and ¿reduce¿ be clarified, in particular whether some other measure of decline is intended to apply to Annex 2 a B compared to Annex 2 a A. Furt hermore the Workshop observed that the FAO Expert Advisory Panel considered CITES Resolution Conf. 9.24 (Rev. CoP15) as a whole to provide adequate guidance for the determination, in a precautionary manner, of whether a species is at risk in the future as a result of international demand for trade.
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    Book (series)
    Report of the FAO Ad Hoc Expert Advisory Panel for the Assessment of Proposals to Amend Appendices I And II of CITES Concerning Commercially-exploited Aquatic Species. Rome, Italy, 13-16-July 2004. 2004
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    The FAO ad hoc Expert Advisory Panel for the Assessment of Proposals to Amend Appendices I and II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Concerning Commercially-Exploited Aquatic Species was held at FAO Headquarters from 13 to 16 July 2004. It was convened in response to the agreement by the Twenty-fifth Session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI) on the Terms of Reference for an ad hoc expert advisory panel for assessment of proposal s to CITES, and the agreement at the 9th Session of the COFI Sub-Committee on Fish Trade (Bremen, Germany, February 2004) that FAO should convene such a panel to review any proposals to the 13th Conference of the Parties to CITES (CoP-13) for listing or delisting commercially-exploited species in time to be considered at that meeting of the Conference of the Parties. The task of the Panel was to: - assess each proposal from a scientific perspective in accordance with the CITES biological listing criteria, taking account of the recommendations on the criteria made to CITES by FAO; - comment, as appropriate, on technical aspects of the proposal in relation to biology, ecology, trade and management issues, as well as, to the extent possible, the likely effectiveness for conservation. The Panel considered the following four proposals • CoP13 Prop. 32. Proposal to include Carcharodon carcharias (white shark) on CITES Appendix II, including an annotation that states that a zero annual export quota is established for this species. • CoP13 Prop. 33. Proposal to include Cheilinus undulatus (humphead wrasse) in Appendix II in accordance with Article II, paragraph 2(a) of the Convention. • CoP13 Prop. 35. Proposal to include Lithophaga lithophaga (Mediterranean date mussel) in Appendix II • CoP13 Prop. 36. Proposal for an amendment of the annotation for Helioporidae spp., Tubiporidae spp., Scleractinia spp., Milleporidae spp. and Stylasteridae spp.

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