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Bibliography of West African marine fisheries and fishery oceanography

Project for the development of fisheries in the Eastern Central Atlantic

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    Bibliography of West African marine fisheries and fishery oceanography
    Project for the development of fisheries in the Eastern Central Atlantic
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    Although the literature on the fisheries and oceanography of West Africa is extensive, as far as can be ascertained no indexed bibliography for it has ever been prepared. It is hoped that the gap will be closed by this bibliography, which has been prepared as a background document for the Project for the Development of Fisheries in the Eastern Central Atlantic and the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF). The bibliography cites papers dealing with or directly related to: - fish, shellfish, and other marine resources - brackishwater species known to occur regularly in the marine environment - oceanography and other related subjects, including planktonic organisms, eggs, and larvae - meteorology - fishery products and other related fishery technology subjects Except for three or four papers from the 19th century, all the papers were published between 1900 and 1973. They are cited alphabetically/chronologically by author, and are sequentially numbered f rom 0001 to 2043 for easy reference from the indexes. A few papers were deleted as being irrelevant late in the work without numbers being re-assigned. Anonymous publications appear at the end of the list.
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    Report of the ad hoc working group on coastal pelagic fish in West Africa from Mauritania to Liberia
    Meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group on West African Coastal Pelagic Fish from Mauritania to Liberia (26gr N to 5gr N). Dakar (Senegal), 19 Jun 1978
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    At its Fifth Session held at Lomé, Togo, in March 1977, the FAO Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF) requested FAO to organize four meetings within the framework of the Subcommittee on Management of Resources Within the Limits of National Jurisdiction, so that the coastal countries might establish programmes for the management of their resources (Resolution CECAF/V/2). Among the coastal pelagic stocks of the northern CECAF region, the sardinella, horse mackerel and mackerel were part of the resources to be considered. The CECAF Project called this meeting of the Working Group to evaluate the state of exploitation of these stocks and to recommend management measures. A special invitation was sent by the Government of Senegal to the Government of the USSR in order to secure the participation of Soviet scientists. The Working Group met at the Centre de recherches océanographiques de Dakar-Thiaroye (CRODT) under the Chairmanship of Mr. J. Chabanne. Messrs. J.A. Gulland, P. Fréon and M. Ansa-Emmim were elected Rapporteurs for the Meeting. The Session began with the introductory speeches of Mr. Chabanne, Mr. S. García1/ and Mr. Gulland, who welcomed the participants and underscored the importance of the subject under discussion, and the problems connected with a proper knowledge of the biology and dynamics of the species. Mr. Gulland stressed the value of exchanging data and the application of the results of the analyses for the elaboration of fisherie s management policy.
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    Book (series)
    Report of the Workshop on the Management of Shared Small Pelagic Fishery Resources in Northwest Africa. Banjul, Republic of the Gambia, 30 April - 3 May 2002 / Rapport de l'Atelier sur l'aménagement des ressources partagées de petits pélagiques en Afrique du Nord-Ouest. Banjul, République de Gambie, 30 avril - 3 mai 2002. 2002
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    The objectives of the workshop were to examine the implications of national and joint management of shared stocks, to explore possible ways to achieve sustainable management of shared stocks for the benefit of coastal countries and to suggest the way forward for a regional management system. As a general recommendation the group suggests to support the current FAO Working Group on the Assessment of Small Pelagics in Northwest Africa. This group should be furthered and strengthened in order to maintain a high level of resource assessment studies in the coming years and the long-term future. Fisheries Scientific Institutes should identify research priorities and seek national budgetary allocationsto sustain long-term research. Countries should develop national management plans in support of a future joint regional management system.

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