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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetThe Community Land Rights of Women and Youth in Turkana County, Kenya 2017
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No results found.This policy brief presents the main findings of a situational analysis and assessment of women’s and youth’s ability to access community land in Turkana County, Kenya, with a focus on their rights. The brief highlights the fact that even though policy and legal frameworks provide for equal rights and nondiscrimination in access to land, women and youth still face many land-related challenges in Turkana County. It looks at the current situation regarding community land rights and examines the bar riers that women face trying to realize these rights. It further provides recommendations and strategies that can be used to strengthen and secure rights to community land for women and youth. This brief aims to inform policymakers, administrators, development partners, and local communities, including women’s and non-governmental organizations working to improve access to land for women and youth. -
ProjectSupporting Human and Institutional Capacity Development in Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests - GCP/GLO/501/GER 2019
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No results found.The livelihoods of many, particularly the rural poor, are based on secure and equitable access to and control over land, fisheries and forests. Governance of tenure is a crucial element in determining if and how people, communities and others are able to acquire rights to use and control land and other natural resources. Compliance with the principles and good practices set out in the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT) will help to promote sustainable social and economic development that can help eradicate poverty and food insecurity. In line with this approach, the Government of Germany-funded project, which was part of a wider FAO multidonor-funded umbrella programme to support the implementation of the VGGT globally, supported the delivery of a series of Learning Programmes specific to the VGGT and targeted country actors engaged in different aspects of the VGGT: i) VGGT fundamentals: Implementing responsible governance of tenure; ii) Governing land for women and men; and iii) Safeguarding land tenure rights in the context of agricultural investments –FPIC. -
ProjectSupport to Strengthen Governance of Tenure through the Implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure Of Land, Fisheries and Forests in Tanzania - TCP/URT/3702 2021
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No results found.Land has played a critical role in the development of the United Republic of Tanzania, with the roots of land tenure frameworks, issues and conflicts dating back hundreds of years Current land laws in the country are seen as progressive policies and legislation recognize the equal rights to land of men and women, including unregistered rights under customary laws, and any transfer of rights requires the consent of local people In practice, however, land tenure rights are disputed among village, district and national administrative authorities, and conflicts over land are common, widespread and sometimes violent Policy deficiencies and contradictions, weak policy and institutional frameworks, and poor governance have together resulted in tenure insecurity The country has recently updated its National Land Policy 1995 and made significant investments in land programmes In recognition of FAO’s role as a neutral partner and of its broad expertise in land tenure and the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security ( in particular, the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania requested FAO to provide support to the process of implementing the new National Land Policy The VGGT set out principles and internationally accepted standards for responsible practices They are a framework that actors can use when developing their own strategies, policies, legislation and programmes They allow government authorities, the private sector, civil society and citizens to judge whether their proposed actions and the actions of others constitute acceptable practices In November 2017 in collaboration with MLHHSD, FAO held a technical workshop on the implementation of the VGGT in the country, at which the Government ensured its support to FAO Areas defined as important were the regularization of customary land, the resolution of land conflicts, including through Alternative Dispute Resolution ( methods, land use planning and land based investments.
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