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Book (stand-alone)Rapport des données existantes relatives au Bois Energie dans la République de Guinée Bissau
EC/FAO ACP Collecte de données - Rapport Technique AFDCA/WE/08
2000Also available in:
No results found.A medium-size report that deals with the overall situation of data on fuelwood in Guinea-Bissau. The first part is a general introduction to the country's characteristics. The second part describes the country's energy sector while the following part details the situation of domestic energies. The fourth part is the study on the charcoal market in Bissau followed by a fifth chapter that states some of the problems related to fuelwood in Guinea Bissau and more precisely in West Africa. The la st part makes some global suggestions to improve the overall situation of fuelwood in the world. -
Book (stand-alone)Rapport d'étude sur les données du bois-energie au Burkina Faso
EC/FAO ACP Collecte de données - Rapport Technique AFDCA/WE/01
2000Also available in:
No results found.This country report covers the overall situation of fuelwood in Burkina Faso. The report includes an introduction covering the main aspects of fuelwood in the country. The first part gives some general information about fuelwood products, the users, the data available as well as their commercialisation. The third part of the report establishes a comparison between the data obtained from FAO and that collected in the country. Finally, the fourth part identifies the past, present and future tren ds of fuelwood in Burkina Faso. -
DocumentLa dendroénergie 2002Les politiques dendronergtiques doivent tre globales; elles doivent prendre en compte la dimension socioconomique, culturelle et environnementale pour viter, par exemple, le dboisement et la dgradation des forts qui ont parfois rsult des incitations mises en oeuvre dans le pass pour promouvoir le bois de feu. Les programmes de dendronergie devraient tre intgrs dans les programmes forestiers nationaux et coordonns avec dautres secteurs. Ils doivent reprsenter toute la gamme de parti es prenantes publiques et prives et tre conus en fonction des besoins spcifiques de la rgion, du pays ou de la communaut concerns.
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