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FAO and the eight Millennium Development Goals. Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women

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    Promoting Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Fisheries and Aquaculture 2016
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    This fact sheet presents and overview on current gender equality and women’s empowerment issues in the fisheries sector. The engagement of women in fisheries can be seen from different perspectives, from social and political to economic and technical views; all these areas evidence that the role of women has been underestimated. The paper provides information on policy, institutions and planning processes; statistics dimension in gender analysis, specific concerns in the field of fisheries indus tries; and identifies lessons learned as well as opportunities for gender mainstreaming at macro, meso and micro operational levels. It suggests some relevant approaches to continue striving efforts, made over the last decades, upon recognition of women’s crucial role in the society and to promote sustainable and equitable fisheries and aquaculture development.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Achieving gender equality by empowering women in agrifood systems 2023
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    Despite their critical role in agrifood systems, millions of rural women face significant challenges to access resources, information, services and opportunities. They cope with excessive work burden and are underrepresented in institutions and decision-making processes. Moreover, they experience higher rates of food insecurity and are disproportionately affected by health, economic and environmental crises. Closing the gender gap in farm productivity and the wage gap in agrifood systems employment would increase global gross domestic product by 1 percent. This would reduce global food insecurity by about 2 percentage points, reducing the number of food insecure people by 45 million. FAO has extensive expertise in advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment in agrifood systems and rural development to eliminate poverty and promote inclusive rural transformation for a better life.
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