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Promotion de pratiques agricoles climato-intelligentes pour renforcer la résilience des communautés rurales au Mali - UNJP/MLI/053/UNJ

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    Renforcement de la résilience des agriculteurs face au changement climatique dans le nord du Mali - UNJP/MLI/054/UNJ 2023
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    Les zones couvertes par le projet présentent des potentialités dans le domaine agro-sylvo-pastoral, à condition de relever différents défis liés à la baisse de la pluviométrie, au tarissement des rivières, mares et lacs, au manque de pâturages et à la déforestation. Le projet s’inscrivait dans le cadre du renforcement de la résilience des populations face aux effets des changements climatiques et en particulier de la création de mécanismes d’adaptation à ces effets. À ce titre, il entendait appuyer les populations de trois communes (Youwarou, Soumpi et Diré) du nord du Mali dans l’aménagement de jardins maraîchers, la réhabilitation de périmètres irrigués, l’élevage par le biais de la production de fourrage (bourgou) et la restauration des terres dégradées.
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    Integrated Climate Smart Agriculture Practices and Approaches Towards Sustainability and Climate Resilience Through the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture - TCP/SAP/3811 2024
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    Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries are vital sectors for the socio-economic stability of SIDS, supporting livelihoods and contributing significantly to export earnings. However, these sectors are increasingly threatened by climate change, which exacerbates existing vulnerabilities and introduces new challenges. Climate variability and extreme weather events, such as cyclones, droughts, and floods, pose severe risks to food security, increase malnutrition and poverty, and hinder progress towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Pacific SIDS are among the most environmentally vulnerable regions globally, facing unique development challenges that are further compounded by climate change. The IPCC predicts more frequent and intense extreme weather events in the coming decades, threatening agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, particularly in low-lying islands at risk from sea level rise and groundwater contamination. The Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA) adopted at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) COP 23 highlights the need to integrate agriculture into climate change strategies. However, effective implementation at national and local levels requires engaging Ministries of Agriculture, local farmers, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), and NGOs. Historically, UNFCCC negotiations have seen limited participation from agricultural ministries.
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    Formulation and Review of Fully-Fledged Project Document for "Strengthening Climate Resilience of Vulnerable Agriculture Livelihoods in Iraq's Rural Communities" Project - TCP/IRQ/3803 2024
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    Iraq has experienced significant and interconnected political, economic, environmental and security challenges over the past few years, and the effects of climate change are exacerbating the situation. Increased temperatures, outdated irrigation infrastructures, droughts, energy shortage, the lack of skills of both farmers and extension officers and an incomplete policy and strategic framework were the main constraints to climate change adaptation in Iraq, especially, in the farming communities of the central and southern plains. In addition, given that about 25 percent of the target areas’ population is employed in agriculture and produce around 40 percent of the country’s rice, working to stabilize the water supply would contribute to ensure food security and social stability in the country. This project aimed to support Iraq national institutions to develop a full Green Climate Fund (GCF) project to enhance climate resilience of rural livelihoods through climate-adaptive technologies and good farming practices that will stabilize water availability in the governorates of Karbala, Muthanna and Najaf. Through its main output, the drafting of a full funding proposal (FFP), the project aimed to mobilize significant financial resources that will improve the most vulnerable population livelihoods (around 650 000 individuals, among which 321 000 are women). The drafting of the GCF sought to closely engage government entities, researchers and agricultural extension officers, and looked to reach at least 1.9 million farmers to foster their cropping systems under improved institutional arrangements and climate-smart agriculture methodologies and use of land.

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