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ISPM 36 种植用植物综合措施

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    DP 9: 按实蝇属(Anastrepha Schiner. ISPM 27 附件 9. ISPM 27 诊断规程 国际植物检疫措施标准 2016
    实蝇科(Tephritidae)包含约 500 个属 4 450 个种(Norrbom 等,1999a,1999b;Norrbom,2004b)(2014 年该数字是大约 4 700 个种 (A.L. Norrbom,个人通讯, 2014) )。实蝇科在世界范围内广泛分布于温带、热带和亚热带地区。按实蝇属(Anastrepha Schiner)(实蝇科:长尾实蝇族 (Toxotrypanini) )是美洲实蝇科中最大的一个属,代表性的种超过 250 个,从美国南部(德克萨斯和佛罗里达)到阿根廷北部之间都有发生(Hernández-Ortiz,1992;Foote 等,1993;Hernández-Ortiz 和 Aluja, 1993;Norrbom,2004b;Norrbom 等,2012)。因对受其危害的栽培水果(例如芒果和柑橘)高度重要且其寄主范围广泛,至少有 7 种按实蝇被认为是重大的经济害虫。这 7 种是南美按实蝇(A. fraterculus (Wiedemann) )、南美瓜按实蝇(A. grandis (Macquart) )、墨西哥按实蝇(A. ludens (Loe w) )、西印度按实蝇(A. obliqua (Macquart) )、暗色实蝇(A. serpentina (Wiedemann) )、美洲番石榴按实蝇(A. striata Schiner),以及加勒比按实蝇(A. suspensa (Loew) )。南美按实蝇被认为是一个隐存复合种(Hernández-Ortiz 等,2004,2012;Selivon 等,2004, 2005;Vera 等,2006;Cáceres 等,2009)。本按实蝇诊断规程涵盖了该属及其中具有重大经济重要性的种的形态学鉴定。有关实蝇科各种实蝇更详细的一般信息,参看 Norrbom(2010)。
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    ISPM 20. Guidelines for a phytosanitary import regulatory system
    Adopted 2023
    This standard describes the structure and operation of a phytosanitary import regulatory system and the rights, obligations and responsibilities which should be considered in establishing, operating and revising the system.
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    PT 18: Cold treatment for Bactrocera tryoni on Citrus limon. Annex 18 to ISPM 28: Phytosanitary treatments for regulated pests
    Adopted 2015
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    This standard presents as annexes phytosanitary treatments evaluated and adopted by the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM). It also describes the requirements for submission and evaluation of the efficacy data and other relevant information on a phytosanitary treatment that can be used as a phytosanitary measure and that will be annexed to this standard after its adoption. The treatments are for the control of regulated pests on regulated articles, primarily those moving in international trade. The adopted treatments provide the minimum requirements necessary to control a regulated pest at a stated efficacy. The scope of this standard does not include issues related to pesticide registration or other domestic requirements for approval of treatments (e.g. irradiation).

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